S - s
sagar v. remove damaged piece of thatch from roof; tekemaot olfala lif natanggura bifo yu mekem niu wan bakegen. Category: house.
sak v. swell; solap.
sakreg v. let go?; lego.
sal1 n. message; mesej.
sal2 n. road; rod.
2 • n. working strip of plaiting or weaving element; pis lif kokonas, pandanas o wanem we i stap lidim wiving. Variant: gersal.
sal3 n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri. Homolanthus nutans. Category: plant, tree.
salem̄o ?. ?
salgor n. sacred and restricted act or thing; tabu.
salmiat vi. ready, prepared; redi.
salōqōs n. kind of food dish; wan kaen nalot wetem melek blong kokonas antap. Ol i kukum kokonas blong mekem se i tik be i no braon. Category: food.
salsal fasin blong mekem kakae we yu paselem kakae wetem mit, putum hot ston insaed bitwin lif laplap mo afta yu putum long faea. Category: food.
salsim separate oil from coconut cream.
sam n. outrigger; nasama. ‘outrigger’. Category: canoe.
sam̄ v. chew something and swallow the liquid but spit out the residue (e.g. sugarcane, pineapple or kava); kakae wan samting (olsem sugaken, paenapol o kava) we yu juim, yu solem daon wota blong hem mo yu spetem aot makas.
sam̄ul num. ten; ten.
sam̄ul rō num. twenty; twenti.
sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nilevetē num. sixteen; sikstin.
sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nilevevet num. nineteen; naentin.
sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nilōvōrō num. seventeen; seventin.
sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nilövötöl num. eighteen; eitin.
sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nirō num. twelve; twelf.
sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nitevelēm num. fifteen; fiftin.
sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nitiwial num. eleven; leven.
sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nitöl num. thirteen; totin.
sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nivet num. fourteen; fotin. Category: numeral.
san v. pull with quick movement, as in pulling in a fish; pulum, jokem.
2 • v. kind of trap for catching chickens and birds on the ground. A rope is tied to a piece of wood and a loop made in the rope, then food is scattered around on the ground. Then you pull the rope tightly when a bird walks inside the loop; wan kaen trap blong kasem faol o pijin long graon we yu fasem rop long wud long graon, putum kakae raon long rop mo jokem kwiktaem taem pijin i stanap insaed long rop.
san qal v. pull fish successfully; pulum fis.
san via v. try to pull in a fish but it gets away; pulum fis be yu mestem. Category: marine.
san̄1 n. post; pos. Category: house.
san̄2 vt. touch, hold just with fingertips; holem, tajem be wetem fingga nomo, i no wetem hol hand. No ma san̄ qal o wut lō qōtōn. I caught a louse on her head. Mi holem kasem laos long hed blong hem.
san̄möt n. part of house. Category: house.
saq v. burn?
sar1 n. ceremonial ground; nasara. Category: kastom.
sar2 LOC. inland; antap (long bus).
2 • LOC. inside; insaed. Category: spatial.
sar3 vi. noise made by lorikeet - other birds?; mekem noes.
sar4 v. pull out; pulumaot.
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sara ?. place.
sarere noun. Saturday:BI.
sarē n. kind of taro; wan kaen taro we han blong hem i waet wetem smol red. Kakae blong hem i waet mo hem i no save karem fok. Taem yu planem wan hem i save karem plante kakae. Category: taro.
sarōqer hol blong rop blong bodi blong kenu i brok mo wud i kamaot wetem rop mo yu nomo save fasem be mas mekem niu hol.
sarsar ?
sarsarale n. reef lizardfish; wan kaen fis. Synodus variegatus. Category: marine, fish.
sartan first sign that yam is starting to dry out; fes saen blong yam i stap go drae (lif i yelo o rop i drae). Category: garden.
sas v. carry something heavy, holding with one hand on either side, or two people carrying, one on each side; karem, wan i holem wan saed, narawan i holem narasaed, o wan man i yusum tu han blong leftemap.
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sasal v. tie lengths of bamboo together to make walling for house; wei blong mekem wol blong haos we yu dabolem ol pis bambu. Category: house. See: teren̄; tat.
Sasar n. place name.
sasar1 n. wrasse; sop. Family Labridae. This fish takes its name from sasar 'island cabbage' as it is never poisonous and always good to eat - that's what Eli said - but my guess would be that it is so-called because its skin is slimy like island cabbage. Category: fish, marine.
sasar2 n. island cabbage; aelan kabis. Abelmoschus manihot. Category: plant, food, crop.
sasarēt vi. enough; inaf, stret.
sav adj. which; wanem.
savan n. which relative of him/her, or which part of his/her body?; wanem famle blong hem, o wanem pat blong bodi blong hem? Yumi askem blong save sapos wan hem i famle blong hem o i no famle blong hem mo sapos hem i famle blong hem, hem i wanem famle blong hem. Tu yumi save askem se wan hem i gat kil o wanem long wanem pat blong bodi blong hem.1s: sëvëk. 2s: savan̄. 3s: savan. Na savan i Nixon? Hem i wanem famle blong Nixon? Category: kinterm.
savger n. thing; samting.
savsav n. thing, belongings; samting.
sawa n. bluewood; bluwud. Hernandia moerenhoutiana. Category: plant, tree.
seben v. hold up, prop up; holem i stanap. O rēntenge ine vita nē ni m̄ës, ba no me seben gōr kēl nē. The tree was about to fall down but I propped it up again. Klosap wud bae i foldaon be mi mekem i stanap bakegen.
seg n. Evodia, shrub with dinstinctive, pleasant smelling leaves, variety with wider, larger leaves; wan kaen lif we i gat naes smel, lif blong hem i bigwan. Leaves used as decoration on one's body, valued for the scent. Ol i yusum blong flasem bodi from smel blong hem i naes. Evodia hortensis. See: borm̄iak.
sel1 v. cut (food); katem (kakae). No me sel worwor o qiat. I cut (split) the taro (into pieces when raw). Mi katem splitim taro.?? No me sel na bēnik. I cut my finger. Mi katem fingga blong mi.
sel2 vt. beat, surpass; bitim. Gē tisē sel. It is worse. I nogud bitim.
seleg v. lay down strips as first step in working lattice basket; putum ol pis ken blong statem basket.
selem̄ëg different styles of carving; defren kaen fasin blong katem wud.
seleqō n. animal; animal. This class includes mammals, e.g. pig, dog, rat, etc, but not fish, birds, reptiles, etc. Category: animal.
Selwō n.loc. place name.
sem̄ n. white-barred triggerfish, wedge-tail triggerfish; kaen strongskin. Rhinecanthus aculeatus, R. rectangulus. Category: fish, marine.
sen vi. lie, tell untruth; giaman.
ser1 n. spear; spia. Category: marine, artefact.
ser2 ?. ?
ser3 n. horn; hon.
ser4 vt. pay back, return money in exchange for something given; pembak. Nēr gete ser ten na möguk o söm. They haven't paid me back my money yet. Ol i no pembak mane blong mi yet.
sere plen n. airfield; epot.
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seretimiat n. nasara blong ol devel. Hem i wan ples antap long hil, wan ples we ol spirit ol i go stap long hem. Category: kastom.
serev vt. pat; rabem. Na serev na kōlan̄ wo nēk i mōvōt. I'll pat your back and you sleep. Bae mi rabem baksaed blong yu mo yu slip.
serevugvug n. ples we ol devel ol i mit long hem. Hem i wan ples ananit long wan nambangga we i klin we i klin. Category: kastom.
Serewan n. place name.
sergeg v. (after plaiting together sections composed of two pandanus half leaves) lay sections down, overlapping, ready to plait together; tekem ol pis pandanas we yu bin wivim tu lif tugeta, joenem plante tugeta blong statem mat. Category: weaving.
sernönqet n. kind of sea urchin with sharp spines. Family Diaematidae. Lit: Qet's spear Category: marine, animal. See: wadas.
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sersum sapos mared i finis mo man mo woman i divos, famle blong woman i mas givim bak mane. Category: kastom.
sesen̄ v. carry something heavy, holding with one hand on either side, or two people carrying, one on each side; karem, wan i holem wan saed, narawan i holem narasaed, o wan man i yusum tu han blong leftemap. sesen̄ kal
sev v. pluck; tekemaot feda.
2 • v. remove leaves from branch, remove branches from trunk?; tekemaot lif long wud. Sev o doot den o labevi. Karemaot natanggura long han blong hem.
seve n. piece, crumb; piece.
sewerles n. several species of hawkfish; wan kaen fis. Neocirrhites sp. ; Paracirrhites spp.. Category: marine, fish.
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sē1 n. who; hu. ‘who?’.
sē2 v. peel bark from wood.
Sēbēr n. place name, tribe name.
sēg n. kingfisher; nasiko, longmaot. Halcyon spp..
sēg malgias n. white-collared kingfisher; nasiko. Lit: ?? kingfisher Halcyon chloris.
sēg mamē n. Vanuatu chestnut-bellied kingfisher; red nasiko. Lit: red kingfisher Halcyon farquhari. Category: bird.
sēk v. look for; lukaotem. Na van ti a lo, na sēk na möguk o barbar. I'll go down to the sea and look for my axe. Mi go daon long solwota, mi lukaotem akis blong mi.
sēlēg vi. dark and cloudy; i tudak klaod, saen blong ren.
sēlsēl vi. light; laet. O tere wam̄asē nēr gē sēlsēl. The stars are shining. Ol sta ol i saen.
sēm1 vt. peel, remove skin from (something hard, as uncooked vegetables, copra); selaot, tekemaot skin (blong samting we i strong olsem taro o kopra). Nēr mē sēm o bek kopra nives? How many bags of copra did they ? Ol i selaotem hamas bag kopra? Category: food. See: wul.
sēm2 vi. small path or minor road leads off main road/ path; rod kamaot.
sēn v. sieve; sevem.
sēnsēn n. sieve for kava made of ?; blangket blong kokonas. See: dēnēr.
sēqēg n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri. Elaeocarpus floridanus. Category: plant, tree.
sēr vt. tear, rip; terem. Sēr m̄öt o gogov ine sur ge elvet idian. Yu teremaot haf kaliko ia from i longfala tumas. O len̄ mē sēr na mōgōr o geben. The wind tore their sail. Win i terem sel blong olgeta. See: mēsēr.
sēriv n. waterfall; wotafol.
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sērsēr n. kind of tree like stinkwood but bigger and harder wood; wan kaen tri olsem stingwud be i bigwan mo i strong. Category: plant, tree.
sēs v. remove stones from oven, take something out of basket; karemaot ston.
sēs um v. remove stones from oven hole ready to make fire in oven; tekemaot ston long hol blong oven redi blong mekem faea. Category: food.
sēsēdig v ; n. method of trapping birds; wei blong kasem pijin wetem trap we yu fasem rop long brans blong tri mo yusum frut blong atraktem pijin.
ga sēsēdig n. rope for trapping birds; rop blong trap blong pijin. Category: bird.
sēsēlēg vi. dark; tudak. O masawre mē sēsēlēg. It is dark. Ples i tudak.
sēsēlit water music; wota miusik.
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sēsēvēl vi. slant; no stret, no lei flat. O tan gō ōn sēsēvēl. The land is slanting. Graon i lei i no stret.
sëbur v. ?
sëkër n. reef; rif. Category: marine.
sër1 vt. wear (clothes, shoes); werem, havem (klos, savat). Nēk i sër na non̄ o gogov. Put your clothes on. Yu havem klos blong yu. See: wësërsër.
sër2 vt ; vi. spill, pour; kapsaedem, kapsaed. O gē më sër la tan. The kava spilt on the ground. Kava i kapsaed long graon. Nē më sër o gē la tan. He spilt the kava on the ground. Hem i kapsaedem kava long graon.
sër3 vi. san i saen; saen.
sërëv v. brasem (wetem han).
sësëwu n. heat (of something); hit.
sësëwu bē steam; stim, smok blong wota we i boel.
sësëwu ev heat of fire; hot blong faea. La masawre o bē ni gëk o sësëwu ni sëw lō den. When water boils, steam rises from it. Taem wota i boel, stim i kamaot long hem.
si1 subord. introduces conditional clauses (if); sapos.
si2 conj. or; o.
siag1 vi. sit; sidaon.
siag2 LOC. up; antap. ‘up above, go up’. Category: spatial. See: rōw; sar.
sial vi. float; flot.
siaw1 n. food dish; wan kaen kakae we ol i slaesem raep bredfrut mo lerem wetem nangae we ol i bin rasras. Category: food.
siaw2 vt. throw something yukky, like rotten fruit or shit at someone. Nēk mē siaw no tek na tian̄. You threw your shit at me. Yu stonem mi wetem sitsit blong yu.
sian n. name; nem.1s: siëk. 3s: sian.
siër ?. find? See: suër.
siganar v. tekemaot rop (ganar) long wan man we hem i no save lego kakae we hem i bin talem se bae hem i no kakae kasem wan taosen dei blong wan man long famle blong hem i ded. Category: kastom. See: ganar.
sigeg qötuōw
sigsig v. harvest taro from paddy gardens?; karem taro.
sil dark; tudak.
silat n. nettle tree, fever nettle, devil nettle; nanggalat. Dendrocnide spp..
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2 • n. jellyfish; nanggalat blong solwota.
silat gegeretō n. kind of nettle tree which has a powerful sting; wan kaen nanggalat we hem i kakae man i strong. Lit: ??chicken Category: marine, tree.
sili n. sucker.
silian̄ v?. ?
simidēg vt. hang; hangem. See: diam.
sinag n. taro; taro. Nēn a van a ev o sinag. Let's go and remove the taro from the ground with a digging stick. Yumi go karemaot taro wetem digging stick.
sinav n. kind of insect which is like a cockroach but small; wan kaen bebet we hem i olsem kakros be i smolsmol. Ol i laek blong stap antap long faea from we ol i laekem hit mo smok blong faea. Category: insect.
siōl vi. go ashore; kamso.
sir1 vt. scrape dirt from the outside of taro; skrasem doti (blong taro).
2 • v. remove skin, bark; tekemaot skin. Category: food.
sir2 vt. shave; sevem. Nē mē sir qēt na wēwēn̄ēn qēt nēr a van lē sir wērēntenge. Hem i sevem mustas blong hem finis, afta ol i tekemaot skin blong wud.
siri n. bone; bun.1s: sirik. 3s: sērēn.
2 • n. midrib, midvein of leaf, leaflet; bun blong lif. ‘bone’. Category: body part.
siritimiat n. kind of taro; wan kaen marē taro we hem i no save bigwan be i save longfala mo i save benben. Han blong hem i dak popel mo kakae blong hem i miks laet red wetem waet. Hem i sofsof mo hem i taro blong rus we i save dan kwik. Lit: devil's bones Category: taro.
siriv peel dried pandanus leaves from the plant; karemaot lif pandanas we i drae finis long stamba. Category: weaving.
sis1 vi. be full, sated; fulap. Na tëqëk mē sis. I am full. Mi fulap.
sis2 vi. melt, flow; ron.
sisia vi. different; defren.
Sisiōl n. place name.
siwit n. variety of banana. kaen banana.
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skul noun. school:BI.
so1 dem. relativiser, demonstrative, that. Nēn a gengen lo Chinese Restaurant so i nēn me gengen ti aē birin̄ i Sabine. Yumi kakae long Chinese Restron we yumi bin kakae long hem wetem Sabine.
so2 v. cut sago leaves, bring and prepare thatch. Nēn mo so o doot, nēn a tek me, a vidir, a vēn, qēt, in̄ko nēn a at. We remove the sago palm leaves, we bring them, we remove the midribs, we sew them and then we tie the thatch to the rafters. Yumi tekem natanggura, yumi karem i kam, karemaot bun, somap, finis, nao ia yumi fasem i go long bambu. Category: house.
so3 n. what; wanem.
so4 v. gather, harvest palolo worm; karem palolo, wom blong solwota.
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so gamēlēs remove midrib from sago palm but don't remove it all, and therefore the leaf will snap when you try to bend it to make thatch; karemaot bun blong natanggura be yu no karemaot gud. Category: house.
sodēm̄ēl v. arrange for people to come together??
sogolo v. cross?
soko1 ?. ?
soko2 v. catch; kasem.
Sol n. place name; nem blong wan ples.
sol v. flow; (wota i) ron.
sororō v. ?
sosven n. saucepan; sospen.
sō vi. paddle; parelem. Category: canoe. See: wōs.
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sōbōn vt. smell, sniff; smelem. In̄ko ni sōbōn tatag o reqe mē vērēg. Then he smelt the trail of the woman who was running. Nao ia hem i smelem folem woman we i resis.
sōbōt n. kind of banana; wan kaen banana we kakae blong hem i olsem samoa be stamba i sotsotfala. Category: banana.
sōg v. give generously; giv wetem gladhat. Nē gō-sōg na gan vaga sur na metwōn o mētigwē. Hem i givim gudfala kakae blong hem oltaem long ol man from fasin blong hem i gud.
sōgsōg n. variety of coconut that bears a large number of small fruit; kaen kokonas we i karem fulap frut we ol i smolsmol. Category: coconut.
sōgsōggenqet n. kind of tree; kaen wud. Phaleria pentecostalis.
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sōk v. find; faenem.
sōksōk v. hunt; hant.
sōl n. germinated coconut; navara.
sōltek v. carry on one shoulder, especially heavy items; karem (wan hevi samting) long wan solda.
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sōm̄ n. parrotfish; blufis. Family Scaridae. Category: fish, marine.
sōq men's pig-killing ceremony; pig kiling seremoni blong ol man. Category: kastom.
sōravar n. Vanuatu fruit dove; bigfala grinpijin. Ptilinopus tannensis. Category: bird.
sōrsōr n. noise made by bon̄.
sōsōg Variant: sōsōsōg. vi. fish, go fishing; go huk.
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sōsōrvël v. carry using length of wood over shoulder, with half the load in front and half behind; karem long wud long solda.
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sōw LOC. to the right when facing the sea; fes i go daon long solwota, go long raet.
2 • vi. go down; go daon.
3 • vi. deteriorate, reduce; go daon. ‘down below, go down’. Category: spatial.
sōwereg vt. plant yam or water taro in the same place where it was dug up; planem yam o wota taro i gobak long sem ples we yu bin tekemaot. mostly yam is dug up or taro pulled out of the ground and replanted in a different place. Category: garden.
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sö vt. join; joenem. No mö sö o vötu rēntenge nirō. I joined two pieces of wood. Mi joenem tufala pis wud.
2 • n. joint; joen. See: m̄önug - difference in meaning??.
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sogon n. moiety, descent group; laen. Category: kinterm.
sökö v. sakem long wan ples.
söm n. money; mane. See: tiveg.
sön̄ vt. calm someone who is cross or sad. Vita, 'Oo, ni ten̄ten̄ qaqaqa gem.' Rōrō a van me rōrō a sön̄ nē. Vita, 'Taron̄, taron̄, taron̄, me dese?'
sön̄ön vt. put inside; fulumap. Sëw rōrō a bis o tere tewen ine, rōrō a sön̄ön lē tibiar. So the two of them picked the native lychees and they put them in the basket. Ale tufala i tekem ol nandao ia, tufala i fulumap long basket.
sön̄sön̄ v. make joke; mekem fani.
sör n. Nicolaia. Hornstedtia sp.. Category: plant.
sösögöt v. find; faenem.
söw conj. then, so; ale.
subur ?. ?
suër v. find; faenem. See: siër.
sugneg vi. push heads together? of pigs? see ESP.
sugsugte n. marks of pigs from where they have been digging around in the ground with their noses.
sul1 vt. burn; bonem.
2 • vt. light (fire); laetem faea.
sulsul vi. burn; bonem.
susul v. burn a bird after plucking; bonem pijin taem yu tekemaot feta finis.
2 • v. irritate mouth (said of taro and wild yam); taro o wael yam i kakae man.
sul2 n. people; pipol.
sulër v. ??? See: sulör?.
sulör v. poke; stikim. Sulör na men nēn o vōs. Stikim (grin) kokonas blong yumi. See: sulër?.
sum vt. drink; dring.
sur1 prep. allative (towards, for); long.
2 • prep. purposive (for); blong.
3 • prep. about; long saed blong. ‘prepositional verb, motion to/after a person’.
sur2 subord. because; from.
2 • subord. purposive, for.
sur3 loc. down. rev sur, siag sur
sur4 vt. sing; singim.
sur5 v. remove hook from fish; tekemaot huk taem yu hukum fis.
sursal n. Land Crab (with hairy legs); wan kaen krab we hem i blak mo hem i gat tumas hea blong hem. Hem i stap long drae ples be hem i go long solwota taem i gat eg. Gecarcinidae sp.. Category: animal.
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sursur ?. low; daon.
sus1 v. point (with finger); poen (wetem fingga).
2 • v. poke, pierce, prick, stick; stikim. Sus ten o gengen, mo monog si odian̄? Traem stikim kakae, i dan o nogat? See: susgeg.
sus2 v. take piece of löt (food dish) from dish which has already been cut; leftemap mo karemaot nalot long natambia we yu bin katem finis.
sus3 v. place marker to indicate position of house posts; stikim mak, wud folem mak blong haos. Category: house.
sus n. breast; titi.3s: sōsōn. ‘breast’. Category: body part.
susgeg v. push (stake or length of other material) into tight narrow space; pusum (stik o samting olsem) i go fas long wan hol. See: sus.
susn̄eg v. push?; pusum.
susul v. irritate, itch, be itchy; skras. Den o qōōr ni susul nēk. In case the wild yam itches you. Nogud waelyam i skrasem yu.
susun̄u v. make fringe (on mat or cloth); katem pisisim en (blong mat o kaliko). Category: weaving.
susur v. sew; somap (klos). O len̄ mē sēr na mōgōr o geben, e nēr mö susur kēl. The wind tore their sail, so they sewed it up again. Win i terem sel blong olgeta, ale ol i somap bakegen.
susus ?. close; klosap.
suv vt. wash (hands or plates); wasem (han o plet).
gösuv vt. bathe, rinse, wash; wasem.
Suvren n. place name.
suvsuv vi. bathe; swim. See: gër.
suware v. invite; invaetem.
suwbē n. kind of taro; wan kaen taro we han, skin mo kakae blong hem i waet. Hem i longfala mo bigfala mo hem i save ben olsem marē. Category: taro.
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