G - g
ga n. rope.
2 • n. vine; rop. Category: plant, vine.
ga atat Variant: ga qir. n. lawyer cane, rattan; loeaken. Used to tie thatch to bamboo in making roof of house. Ol i yusum blong fasem natanggura. Flagellaria indica. Category: plant, vine.
ga del n. kind of large leaved vine that grows up and wraps around trees; wan kaen rop we i gro antap long wud we lif blong hem i bigwan. Ol i yusum kastom lif blong blokem blad sapos i ron tumas mo blong soa (tenge talō mōnōg). Epipremnum pinnatum. Category: plant, vine.
ga dōvōr n. vine, creeper which grows on beach, seashore; wan kaen rop we i stap gro long sanbij mo klosap long solwota. It is believed that if you want to make the sea rough, uproot the plant and throw it into the sea. Ipomoea pescaprae. Category: plant, vine.
ga iaw n. kind of vine; wan kaen rop. Ol i yusum insaed blong rop blong mekem net from i strong we i strong olsem naelon. Anodendron paniculata. Category: plant, vine.
ga malwuw n. kind of black vine; wan kaen rop we i stap long bus mo hem i blak. Used for weaving baskets. Ol i yusum blong mekem basket blong kakae from hem i strong. Smilax vitiensis. Category: plant, vine.
ga matawasē n. kind of vine; wan kaen rop we hem i smol nomo mo i save gro stret. Taem i yang i waet mo hem i kam laet braon. Ol i yusum blong lif meresin mo i konkon we. Lit: ?? shrikebill vine Stephania forsteri. Category: plant, vine.
ga mien n. kind of vine; wan kaen rop. Epiprenum sp..
ga ōl n. kind of vine; wan kaen rop.
ga sasēn̄ērn̄ēr n. kind of vine; wan kaen rop. Cayratia trifoliata. Category: plant, vine.
ga susul n. kind of vine; wan kaen smolsmol rop we i gro long garen mo long haos be no long bus. Hem i kastom meresin blong pikinini (tenge talö sus). Ipomoea acuminata. Category: plant, vine.
ga taqav n. kind of vine with large leaves; wan kaen rop we lif blong hem i bigwan. Used as medicine for fish poisoning. Main use for tying up firewood bundle. Ol i yusum blong fasem faeawud, mo tu olsem lif meresin blong fis i posenem yu. Merremia peltata. Category: plant, vine.
ga töus n. kind of vine; wan kaen rop we i gat kakae blong hem olsem kumala. Ol i kakae sapos san i strong mo kakae i nogat. Lif i gud kastom meresin blong kof. Category: plant, vine.
ga vörur n. kind of vine; snek rop. Wan kaen rop we ol i yusum blong kastom meresin. Ol i yusum sel blong sid blong danis mo ol i yusum rop blong mekem swing blong pikinini.
gabal n. long wooden tongs used for picking up hot stones or charcoal from stone oven; wud blong karemaot ston long oven. Category: food. See: bal.
gabala mōgōn n. her/his/its vein; string blong blad blong hem. Category: body part.
gaböu n. wing; wing.1s: gaböuk. 3s: gabōōn. Category: bird, body part.
gag rip, peel off. Gag rieg o plasta e. Rip off that bandaid. Karemaot plasta ia.
gagarēn n. aerial roots; rus we i gro antap. Category: plant, tree.
gagneg vt. tell, say; talem.
gagö n. string; rop.
2 • n. handle; handel.
3 • n. strap; strap.
gagö qō rope for tying up pig; rop blong fasem pig. No mē vir o gagö qō. I plaited the rope for tying up the pig. Mi tanem rop blong fasem pig.
gagö vus string.
gagönus n. taste very good; i swit we i swit. No me gen qal o kek ko, o gagönus. I tasted this cake, it's very tasty. Mi kakae testem kek ia, i swit we.
gakalkalbōgō n. jackbean, kind of flowering vine; wan kaen rop. Canavalia cathartica. Category: plant.
gakarēs n. kind of climbing fern; wan kaen rope. Used in weaving baskets to give colour to the basket. Blong wivim basket, blong givim kala long hem. Lygodium reticulatum. Category: plant.
gakōkō n. swing made from rope; swing. See: kōkō.
gal vt. make rope by twisting strands together; twistim tugeta.
gala n. left; lef.
galaten̄tur n. kind of taro; wan kaen taro we hem i waet evriwan, kakae wetem han mo skin tu i haf waet. Category: taro.
galēm n. very long wooden pole used for evenly spreading charcoal and heat of stones in stone oven??; wud blong.
galō n. Silver Croton; wan kaen tri. Ol i yusum blong mekem spia wetem yangwan blong hem from we i stret gud. Ol i save yusum blong faeawud tu. Croton insularis. Category: plant, tree.
gamar n. Mottled Lightfoot/Rocky Shore Crab; kaen krab. Grapsus albolineatus.
gamērēr n. kind of vine; wan kaen rop. I gat tu kaen blong hem. Red wan ol i yusum blong fasem top blong haos. Freycinetia sp.
gamērēr dēmadēm kind of vine; wan kaen rop. Freycinetia flavida.
gamērēr qō n. kind of vine; wan kaen rop. Used to weave prawns traps. Ol i yusum blong wivim basket blong naora. Freycinetia impavida. Category: plant, vine.
gamlöt adv. quickly; hariap.
gam̄esel n. midrib, midvein of Heliconia indica leaf, when removed (and used for tying up food parcel, etc); bun blong lif laplap.
gan men n. kind of tree, related to banyan, fruit orange when ripe, growing close to the branch; wan kaen tri we hem i famle blong nambangga. Ol pijin ol i stap kakae frut blong hem. Ficus tinctoria. Category: plant, tree.
ganar n. rope made from cottonwood which one hangs around the neck as a sign that you have given up a particular type of food out of respect when a close relative has died; rop we man i hangem long nek blong hem blong soemaot se hem i givap wan kaen kakae taem mama o papa blong hem i ded.
gon ganar taem we man i fasem rop long nek blong hem blong soemaot se hem i givap wan kaen kakae taem mama o papa blong hem i ded. Category: kastom.
ganasēg n. freckled porcupinefish, black-blotched porcupinefish; nilfis. Diodon spp.. Category: marine, fish.
gan̄veg vt. lead; lidim. Nē ga gan̄veg nēn lö vugvug gōgōwē. He will lead us so the meeting is good. Bae hem i lidim yumi long miting i gud.
gaqō thick.
gaqurō n. kind of tree; wan kaen wud. Soulamea amara.
gar v. bite; kakae wetem tut. No mē viris o dog ine tala-ga-da vita mita-gar le o tan̄sar. I tied up the dog so that it couldn't bite people. Mi fasem dog ia blong mekem se i no save kakae man.
gar bētin̄ v. clench teeth; satem taet tut mo no openem maot. ‘bite’.
garaq vi. new; niu.
garat n. food scraps (e.g. taro skin, fish bones); doti blong kakae (olsem bun blong fis, skin blong taro). Rōrō a goro den o qō, rōrō a gen o garat. The two of them chased away the pigs and they ate the food scraps. Tufala i ronemaot pig, tufala i kakae doti blong kakae.
gargarke n. fatty substance of animal - fatty looking, but different from fat.
gargarmamas v. fast; lego kakae mo dring. No gö mörös o lō ti na sul na tiqēk, ba no go gargarmamas sur. I want it to be sunny so I can burn my garden, but I must fast for it (according to tradition). Mi wantem san blong mi bonem garen blong mi, be mi mas lego kakae from.
garmian n. her/his/its tongue; tang blong hem. Category: body part.
garm̄ös vi, vt. spit; spet. Nē ma garm̄ös no. She spat on me. Hem i spet long mi.
garqe temp. today; tede. Category: temporal.
gartan n. leftovers; namalas, hafkakae.
2 • n. ?? Nēn ko lo garte to. We are in the middle of the year. Yumi stap long medel blong yia.
garte wōl n. kind of basket, with curved base; wan kaen basket we hem i sep olsem hafmun. Lit: half moon Category: weaving.
garveg vt. holem taet long han; holem. Nö gö mörös ta na garveg nē. I want to cuddle her. Mi wantem holem taet hem.
gas v. make roof of house by making two lengths of bamboo join to make cross; krosem tufala bambu i mit long antap blong haos. O gövur ko, nēk gō rōq si nēk ga gas? This house, are you going to bend the bamboo over the top in making the roof, or are you going to cross it? Haos ia, bae yu putum bambu i go ova long top, o bae yu krosem? Category: house.
gasalē right size place for setting net where the fish won't be able to get away; stret ples blong putum net we ol fis bae ol i no save lus. Category: marine.
gasel n. knife; naef.
gasel nötu small knife; smol naef.
gasel luwō big knife; big naef.
gasēsēdignönqet n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri. Ficus aspera. Lit: rope for Qet's bird trap Category: plant, tree.
gasim n. length of bamboo used for removing breadfruit from the tree; bambu we ol i yusum blong karemaot bredfrut long stamba. O gasim, nē o wo talē lis o biēg. A 'gasim' is a length of bamboo used for removing breadfruit from the tree. 'Gasim' hem i wan bambu we ol i yusum blong karemaot bredfrut long stamba.
gasm̄eg v. Nēk i le o an̄kejiv, nēk i gasm̄eg lē qēqēn̄. You take the handkerchief and push it in the waist of your trousers so it hangs out. Yu tekem angkejif, yu pusum long traosis blong yu blong i hangdaon.
gasōw n. kind of plant. Gnetum gnemon.
gasreg v. push something into tight space to hold it tight, as between slabs of thatch, walling, or in hair; pusum samting i go long smol ples, olsem long natanggura, o long hea blong yu. Gasreg kal o meteges siag me lo doot. Put the wooden knife up in the space between slabs of thatch. Pusum naef i go antap long natanggura.
gatala n. web; bed blong spaeda.
gateli maraw n. spider web; bed blong spaeda. Category: animal.
gateteg n. coconut leaf basket, used for carrying firewood. Category: basket, weaving.
gateteg n. kind of basket made from coconut leaves and used for carrying firewood; wan kaen basket blong faeawud we ol i wivim long lif kokonas. Category: weaving.
gatim n. ? Category: taro, garden.
gatitieg n. bird or pig trap made of rope; trap blong pijin o pig. See: tieg.
gatitimeles n. piece of wood with hooks on it for hanging food in the kitchen; wud we i gat huk long hem we ol i hangem antap blong hangem kakae long hem. Ol i yusum blong mekem samting ia hem i rōq from we hem i gat huk long hem. Lit: rop blong hangem namalas
gatōw n. kind of strong vine that grows on the hill; wan kaen rop we i stap long hil mo long solwota be no long bus. I strong be yangwan i save brok isi. Ol i yusum blong fasem ol samting olbaot mo blong kastom meresin. Derris trifoliata. Category: plant, vine.
gatöqul v. throw (something long) at; stonem (wetem longfala samting). Nē ma gatöqul o qërët tek o mie rēntenge. He threw a long stick at the flying fox. Hem i stonem flaengfoks wetem longfala wud. See: bōl; töqul.
gatötöqulqërët n. kind of Dragon Tree, shrubby plant; wan kaen plant. Dracaena sp.
gatöus n. kind of vine that has fruit which is eaten in time of famine; wan kaen rop we ol i kakae frut blong hem long taem blong famin. Hem i konkon i saoa. Category: food.
gav vi. fly; flae.
gavan̄ n. kind of food basket woven with a black vine; wan kaen basket blong kakae we ol i wivim wetem blak rop. only men make and use these baskets. man nomo i wivim mo yusum kaen basket ia. Category: weaving. See: tibiar gamalwuw.
gavēg n. mountain apple, Malay apple, rose apple; nakavika. Syzygium malaccense.
gavēgulul n. kind of tree like mountain apple but with white flowers; wan kaen tri olsem nakavika be flaoa blong hem i waet. Category: plant, tree, fruit.
gavō n. Whitewood; waetwud. Endospermum medullosum. Category: plant, tree.
gawol n. Lawyer Cane, Rattan; loeaken. Calamus vanuatuensis. Ol i yusum blong fasem haos o kenu mo blong wokem basket blong naora. Category: plant, vine.
gawōlō n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri we i gat rop blong hem insaed we i strong tumas. Bifo ol i yusum blong mekem klos olsem tapa. Hem i gro long hil. Category: plant, tree.
ge cl. relational classifier used to mark possession of items that are eaten by the possessor; blong. ‘possessive classifier: alimentary, subordinate’.
geben n. sail; sel. Category: canoe.
gegen vi. sharp (edge); sap (long saed). No gö mörös ta na tar o ralēt ba na möguk o tele gete gegen. I want to chop firewood, but my axe isn't sharp. Mi wantem katem faeawud be akis blong mi i no sap. See: metestes.
gem mod. only, just; nomo. Lō vōrōg kemem mo tog gem ti lö gövur. Long moning mifala i jas stap nomo long haos. Variant: gëm.
gemel n. men's house; nakamal. Nakamal hem i haos blong ol man nomo mo ol woman ol i no save go insaed, be haos blong ol woman, ol man tu ol i no save go insaed. Category: house.
gen1 n. fire ant; blakanis. I gat tu kaen blong hem, wan i blak mo wan i red. Solenopsis geminata. Category: insect.
gen2 vt. eat; kakae.
gengen vi. eat; kakae.
gengen n. food, staple part of meal, food crops; kakae.
gengen luwō n. feast; bigfala kakae, lafet.
gengen luwömeren lunch; dina.
gengen revrev dinner; kakae long sapa. kēmi a gengen oso? yufala i stap kakae wanem?
gengen vōrōg breakfast; brekfas. ‘eat’. Category: food.
gengenur n. sin; sin. Metwu bëlbël nē o gengenur. The habit of stealing is a sin. Fasin blong stil hem i wan sin.
genqin̄imatē v. kakae las dei long wan taosen dei blong ded man. Hem i kakae blong finisim tingbaot man we i ded mo blong stat blong fogetem. Hem i no dei blong sore, i dei blong glad. Hem i talem se i naf blong tingbaot, nao ol i save fogetem. Category: kastom.
genvēl n. something that you don't want to eat but you must force yourself to eat; samting we yu no wantem kakae be yu mas kakae mo yu fosem nomo blong kakae.
genwiwiris n. fussy eater, someone who is choosy about what they want to eat and won't eat if you cook something other than what they want; man we hem i jusum kakae we hem i wantem nomo mo sapos yu kukum nara kaen kakae bae hem i no wantem kakae. Nē o genwiwiris. She is a fussy eater. Hem i kakae nomo kakae we hem i wantem.
ger v. cut, chop; katem (bus). Nēn a ger o kopra. Let's chop the copra. Yumi katem kopra.
geres vt. grate coconut; skrasem kokonas.
geret n. high hill; hae hil.
gersal n. road, path; rod.
2 • n. way; wei.
gersele n. way (to); wei (blong). Na gagneg min nēk o gersal talo da gövur. Bae mi talem long yu wei blong mekem wan haos. ‘path’.
geten̄tēn n.
gē n. kava; kava. Piper methysticum.
gēl vi. feel unable to breathe; harem se yu no save pulum win. No me ten̄ten̄ vaavan, e na memsëk mē gēl. I cried so much that I felt that I couldn't breathe. Mi kraekae go go, win blong mi i sot.
gēn dem. this; ia. Category: spatial.
gēnē n. thing; samting. Ba i rege ta ine ma da o gēnē nitiwial, na sian vita Scenic Railway. Be olgeta blong ples ia ol i mekem wan samting we nem blong hem se Scenic Railway.
gēri n. root; rus.
gēri mōtō n. stretch marks on belly. See: busu ōr. Lit: coconut roots Category: plant.
gēvir vt. squeeze; skwisim. Nē mē gēvir na dirin Jessica. She squeezed Jessica's leg. Hem i skwisim leg blong Jessica.
gër1 vi. swim; swim.
2 • vi. wade; wokbaot krosem wota. Nēk më gër levga o Bē Taqren. You wade across Taqren creek. Yu wokbaot krosem wota blong Taqren. See: suvsuv.
gëv v. block; blokem top blong haos.
gëv bulës v. wei blong blokem top blong haos we yu benem wan natanggura i go antap blong blokem top blong haos.
gëv gonsōgōrō v. wei blong blokem top blong haos wetem tu natanggura we yu somap tugeta mo benem antap long haos.
gëv nag v. blokem fes taem blong mared, sapos man i mekem rong mared.
gëvgëv v. sapos yu kilim wan man, mas pem laef blong hem.
gëvtun v. cooking style; fasin blong mekem kakae we yu paselem kakae fastaem, afta yu putum long faea. Samtaem yu save rusum kakae fastaem. Category: food.
gëwtu n. stomach; bel. Category: body part.
gial vi. lie, tell untruth; giaman.
2 • vt. lie to; giaman long.
giam n. net; net.
2 • n. net covering stomach.
giam vus n. net with a handle; kaen net wetem handel blong hem.
tē giam v. place net; putum net. Taem ol i yusum net ia wan man i ronem fis, narawan i holem net. Category: marine, body part.
giav n. crab; krab.
giav kukut n. sargassum crab; wan kaen krab blong solwota. Lit: ?? crab Family Grapsidae.
giav matrōrōw n. kind of crab; wan kaen krab we ae blong hem i bigbigwan mo baksaed blong hem i blu, front i waet. Hemi stap long bus o so be klosap long solwota. Lit: ?? crab
giav mërës n. kind of shore crab; wan kaen krab we i stap long so. Lit: ?? crab Grapsus albolineatus.
giav ōwōw n. spanner crab; wan kaen krab blong solwota. Lit: ?? crab Ranina ranina.
giav sem̄etöv n. kind of crab; wan kaen krab we i stap insaed long wota insaed long hol blong wud. Hemi lelebet waet mo laet braon. Lit: ?? crab
giav sēvsēv n. kind of crab. Lit: ?? crab
giav sōsō n. kind of freshwater crab which lives in swamps; krab Kaledoni. Lit: paddling crab
giav vaw n. kind of reef krab; wan kaen rif krab. Carpilius maculatus. Lit: ?? crab
giav vet n. kind of shore crab; wan kaen krab we i stap long so. Plagusia dentipes. Lit: stone crab Category: marine, animal.
gie n. Whitespotted Surgeonfish; wan kaen fis. Platax pinnatus, Acanthurus guttatus. Category: marine, fish.
giebē n. kind of fresh-water fish; wan kaen fis blong wota we hem i blak wetem dak waet laen. Hem i flat mo hem i save bigwan. Ol taem ol i stap tu tugeta. Category: water, fish.
gil v. dig; digim.
n. digging stick; stik blong digim graon. Na-gil o tan tek o gil. I dig the earth with a digging stick. Mi digim graon wetem stik blong digim graon.
gilal v. know; save.
n. knowledge, wisdom; save, waes. O tan̄sar ine o gigilal gē luwö min nē. Man ia i gat bigfala waes.
2 • v. jealous; jalus. O reqe ine ni gigilal i ginon sur i bulsalan ta m̄ō. Woman ia i stap jalus long man blong hem from gelfren blong hem bifo.
gilgeg v. stand up post; stanemap pos. Category: house.
girē v. buy; pem.
girē qalēg long taem blong mared woman i givim mane long ol papa mo mama blong boe.
girē wël long taem blong mared woman wetem ol famle blong hem ol i givim smol mane long brata mo sista blong boe.
girir v. smooth out pandanus leaves using limpet shell, in preparation for weaving; smut pandanus wetem sel, redi blong wivim. Ni girir o videge tek o weger. She is making the pandanus smooth with a shell. Hem i smutum pandanas wetem sel. Category: weaving.
gis1 v. hold; holem. Gis wareg den ni m̄ës. hold it tightly so it doesn't fall. Holem gud, lukaot bae i foldaon.
gis2 v. build house; bildim haos.
gis salmiat v. prepare for making a feast; preperesen blong mekem bigfala kakae, speseli long wan taosen dei blong wan ded man. Nēn a gis salmiat sur o legleg. Let's make the preparations for the marriage. Yumi mekem redi kakae blong mared. Category: kastom.
gisine adv. once; wantaem.
gitiag v. be careful?; lukaot. Kēmi wun suvsuv ba gitiag gōr den kēmi a tul. When you swim, watch out in case you drown. Yufala i swim, be lukaot, nogud yufala i draon.
go n. hook; huk. Category: marine.
go TAM. non-completive aspect marker.
gogoreg v. sweep away.
gogov n. cloth, clothes; kaliko, klos.
gom̄ot n. Striped Mullet; malet. Mugil cephalus. Category: fish, marine.
gonsōgōrō n. two pieces of thatch joined together to make one piece to cover over top of roof; tu natanggura we ol i somap tugeta blong kavremap top blong haos. Category: house.
gonwom̄ōtō v. make an agreement that two small children will marry when they come of age. The boy's family gives money and coconuts to the girl's father. Two germinating coconuts are tied together and must be planted together as a symbol of the bond; mekem agrimen se bae tufala pikinini i mared taem tufala pikinini i smol nomo. Famle blong boe ol i fasem tu kokonas tugeta mo givim long papa blong gel wetem mane. Ol i mas planem tu kokonas tugeta mo hem i wan saen se bae tufala i mared. Hem i wan strong agrimen we bae ol i no save brekem. I Vikta nē mo gonwom̄ōtō gōr i Jessica. Vikta's family and Jessica's family have made an agreement that the two will marry when they are grown up. Vikta hem i blokem Jessica (blong tufala i mared taem tufala i bigwan). Category: kastom.
goqtul v. fall down, over (of tree, banana); (wud i) foldaon. O len̄ ge meneg ma da o qētēgi man̄ko mo goqtul. The strong wind made the mango tree come out of the ground. Strong win i mekem stamba blong mango i kamaot long graon.
gor v?. block? ‘prepositional verb specifying motion against’.
Gordon name. Gordon.
goro vt. chase; ronem.
got vt. (of hook) catch on something; (huk i) hukum wan samting. O go mo got na busuk. The hook caught my finger. Huk i kasem fingga blong mi.
goto neg.part. negative particle.
Gō n.loc. Gaua.
gōdōw n. red-eyed krab; wan kaen krab blong solwota. Eriphia sebana. Category: marine, animal.
gōg n. reef heron; longnek, naova. Ardea sacra.
gōg gabēt n. white heron; waet longnek. Lit: ??white heron
gōg kör n. black heron; blak longnek. Lit: black heron Category: bird.
gōglo n. kind of tree; navenue. Macaranga tanarius. Category: plant, tree.
gōgōn1 vi. bitter; konkon.
2 • vi. sour.
3 • vi. salty.
4 • vi. poisonous.
gōgōn2 vi. holy; tabu.
gōl v. slack (of leaves, branches); slak.
gōlgōl v. shake; seksek. O malas ma da nē, na tarbian ni gōlgōl. Kolkol i mekem hem, bodi blong hem i seksek.
gōlōw n. orphan; pikinini we i nogat mama mo papa.
gōq vt. make hole with digging stick to plant taro; digim graon wetem wud blong mekem hol blong taro. Nē ni gōqgōq o lie sinag. She made a hole to plant the taro with a digging stick. Hem i digim hol blong planem taro.
gōr v. hold together in bunch (as greens) and cut into strips; katem (olsem bandel kabis). Nēk i gōr o sasar. Cut up the island cabbage. Yu katem aelan kabis.
gōrga seremoni we ol i mekem long eli moning long naen handred naenti naen dei blong wan ded man. Ol man we ol i bin hangem rop long man we hem i fas long kakae, ol i kam katem rop. Afta ol i givim kakae long man we hem i no kakae kakae ia mo man ia i mas pem hem. Category: kastom.
gōsōs n. insect that damages yam and taro and Hong Kong taro; bebet we i stap kakae yam mo taro mo Fiji taro. Papuana uninodis. Category: insect.
gōsōw n. rat; rat. ‘rat’.
gōwē vi. good; gud. See: wē.
gök vi. boil; boel. O bē mö gök. The water has boiled. Wota i boel.
2 • vi. bubble, dissolve; boel. O panadol tö gökgök, nē tö gökgök, wo nēk i sum. The panadol dissolves and bubbles and you drink it.
göl vt. speak in anger; tok kros. Nē ma qaq sur no, na lölök me en, ba na göl nē. She talked about me and I felt cross, so I spoke angrily to her. Hem i tokbaot mi, mi kros long hem, ale mi tok kros long hem.
golon n. tail; tel.1s: gölök. 3s: golon. Category: body part.
gölörēki n. sprouting coconut that is just starting to germinate and has not yet formed spongy growth inside; kokonas we i stat blong kam navara be wota i stap insaed yet. Lit: tail of topsail drummer
2 • n. shoot of coconut begins to grow; gro blong kokonas i stap kamaot be i no mekem gud navara yet. at this stage the spongy growth inside the coconut has only just started to develop and inside is still watery. O mōtō ko, in̄ko mö gölörēki. This coconut, now its shoot is beginning to grow. Category: coconut.
gör vt. grate coconut; skrasem kokonas. Nēk i gör o mōtō. You grate the coconut. Yu skrasem kokonas.
2 • vt. scrape out insides of something firm; skrasemaot insaed long wan samting we i strong. Na gör den o lölö dem ti nana riv. I'm scraping out the inside of the yam so that I can plant it. Mi stap skrasemaot insaed long yam blong mi planem.
görö vt. refuse to give something to someone when they ask it from you; no letem. E i götö mö görö den nē o talēs. So the hermit crab wouldn't let it have the Indian almonds. Ale nakato i no letem natavoa long hem.
görum n. Black Land Crab; wan blak krab we i stap long bus insaed long wud o hol long graon. Taem yu kukum hem i red. Gecarcinus quadratus. Category: animal.
gösuv vt. wash (body, plates); wasem. Nēk i gösuv na nogon̄. Wash your face. Yu wasem fes blong yu. See: as; qōs.
gösuv rōn̄ vt. baptise; baptaes. Nēr mö gösuv rōn̄ o nötu m̄irm̄iar nitiwial. They baptised a child. Ol i baptaesem wan pikinini.
gösuvm̄iar faef o ten dei afta fes pikinini i bon, ol sista blong papa ol i kam wasem pikinini mo flasem hem mo afta papa i mas pem olgeta. Category: kastom.
götö n. hermit crab; nakato.
götö sërsër n. kind of small hermit crab; wan kaen smol nakato. Lit: ?? hermit crab
götö mamē n. kind of land hermit crab; wan kaen nakato we i stap nomo long drae ples. Lit: red hermit crab
götö riam takak n. kind of black hermit crab; wan kaen blak nakato blong bus. Lit: ?? hermit crab
götuë n. before, long time ago; bifo.
gövruqō n. thin length of bamboo tied onto edge of thatching on roof to hold the thatching tight; longfala bambu we i tintin we ol i fasem long en blong natanggura blong i holem taet. O gövruqō nē ge seben gōr o doot. The 'gövruqō' holds up the thatching. 'Gövruqō' hem i holem taet natanggura. Category: house.
gövur n. house; haos.1s: gëvruk. 2s: gëvrōn̄. 3s: gëvrōn. Category: house.
gövut vt. pull out, uproot; pulumaot.
göwur n. white-margined moray; wan kaen namarae. Category: marine, fish.
ginon n. her/his/its spouse; man blong hem; woman blong hem.1s: gunök. 2s: ginon̄. 3s: ginon. Category: kinterm.
gunögōsōw n. kind of large freshwater shellfish; wan bigfala sel blong wota we i stap long saed blong wota. man i no kakae from hem i gat smel. Category: water, shellfish.
gurgurbiliag n. oriental sweetlips; yelo tiklips. Lit: ?? Plectorhynchus orientalis. Category: fish, marine.
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