D - d
da v. make, do; mekem. Nēk ma da o so? What did you do? Yu bin mekem wanem?
da ēs v. resuscitate; mekem laef bakegen (sapos wan man klosap i ded). Nē mi miat ti nēr ma da ēs nē mö vuv o bē lō qōtōn. Hem i bin ded be ol i mekem hem i laef bakegen from ol i kapsaedem wota long hed blong hem.
da gese epist. what; wanem. Ei, nēk i da gese tek o vo gēn? Hey, what are you doing with that thing? Ei, yu mekem wanem wetem samting ia? No gētē gilal ta dōrōk a da gese. I don't know what we are going to do. Mi no save se bae yumitu mekem wanem.
da lagē v. pay bride price; pem woman. Category: kastom.
da lēt v. break; brekem. Nē ma da lēt o gasel. Hem i brekem naef. See: mēlēt; m̄öt.
daēl v. try; traem. Ni daēl talē rēv, nē mitē rēv le. She tried to pull it, but she wasn't able to pull it. Hem i traem blong pulum, hem i no save pulum.
dagarē Variant: garē. n. victory leaf, ti plant; nanggaria. Cordyline terminalis, C. fruticosa.
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dagarē n. leaf of victory leaf; lif blong nanggaria. ol i yusum blong fasem laplap. Category: plant.
dalagē n. payment of bride wealth; pem braed praes.
damarēn̄it n. dry pandanus leaf; drae lif pandanas.
damat n. large leaf used to wrap laplap for cooking in stone oven; lif laplap. Heliconia indica. Category: plant, food.
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damatmot n. canna lily; wan kaen flaoa. Canna indica. Category: plant.
damësur v. comfort; kamfotem, mekem tingting i godaon sapos i sore o wari tumas. La masawre i Sophie mō mōl, no mō lōlōlwōn nim̄al, Catriona ma damësur no. When Sophie went home I was really sad, and Catriona comforted me. Taem Sophie i go hom, mi sad tumas, Catriona i kamfotem mi.
dam̄alak n. kind of plant.
dam̄am̄as n. kind of tree; wan kaen wud we kastom yus blong hem i blong ol pikinini we ol i wokabaot fo leg blong mekem se ol i save wokabaot strong. Category: plant, tree.
dam̄ataq n. kind of small flowering plant with tiny mauve flowers; wan kaen plant we i gat smolsmol popel flaoa. Liquid from leaves can be used to stop a cut from bleeding. Veronia cinnerea. Category: plant.
dam̄eg ?. unused, wasted, without use, of no use; nating. Qaqaq na mōgōn ma vanvan dam̄eg gem, nēr gete le. His words were just wasted, they didn't take it in. Toktok blong hem i go nating nomo, olgeta ol i no tekem. Nē o vōnō van dam̄eg. It is a wilderness, place where there is nothing there. Hem i ples we i nogat man.
dananar n. damselfish (maomao, scissortail sergeant, Indo-Pacific sergeant); wan kaen fis. Abudefduf spp.. Category: marine, fish.
dar n. blood; blad.
2 • vi. bleed; (blod i)ron.1s: dërëk. 3s: daran. ‘blood’. Category: body part.
darag n. wild nutmeg; nandae. Myristica fatua.
darag tōwlo n. kind of tree like wild nutmeg but which has larger fruit which are round; wan kaen tri olsem nandae be kakae blong hem i bigwan mo i raon. Category: plant, tree.
dasas n. fern (generic); fens. Category: plant.
dasas qötu riaw n. kind of fern; wan kaen fens. Young shoots can be taken to cure fish poisoning. Angiospermum evecta. Category: plant.
dasas tie tō n. kind of fern; wan kaen fens. Used to make sus tawlen̄ where bush nuts are threaded onto the branch of the fern. Spherostephanos invisus. Category: plant.
dasimreg v. hate, reject; heitem, no wantem nating. Jon a dasimreg i ginon tasga. John rejects his wife all the time. John hem i heitem woman blong hem oltaem. O nötu m̄irm̄iar ine nēr ga dasimreg nē tasga. That small child, they reject him all the time. Smol pikinini ia, ol i stap heitem hem oltaem.
datalēs n. flametail snapper; jone. Lutjanus fulvus. Category: fish, marine.
datam̄al n. kind of shrub with edible leaves; wan kaen lif we yumi save kukum mo kakae. There are 3 kinds, one has yellow leaves and two have green leaves, one of which is long, the other more oval shaped. The plant grows to about 2m and has white flowers. Psychotria forsteriana. Category: plant.
datam̄alqō n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri. Pisonia grandis. Category: plant, tree.
datam̄iar n. small shrub with succulent stem and pale purple flowers; wan kaen plant we flaoa blong hem i laet popel. There are two kinds, one is red and one green. tenge talō gōsōs, wan kaen bebet we i stap spolem taro. Tu ol i yusum blong gaglētlēt, skin we i brok long leg we sofmad i mekem. Coleus scutellarioides. Category: plant.
datartarawöw n. kind of shrub with small round black fruit; wan kaen plant. tenge tala dar, sapos i nogat blad, dring lif. Leea indica. Category: plant.
datawalwal n. kind of small tree, grows to about 3m, with small yellow flowers and small fruit that are red when ripe; wan kaen tri we kakae blong hem i smolsmol mo i grin be taem i raep i red, mo flaoa blong hem i yelo. hem i wan tenge sus, givim long pikinini sapos titi i mekem hem, mo tu givim long pikinini taem ol i kakae tumas navele o nangae. Phyllanthus ciccoides. Category: plant, tree.
datek vt. look after; lukaotem. Sëw rōrō ma datek o m̄irm̄iar ine. Then the two of them looked after the child. Ale tufala i lukaotem pikinini ia.
davaqal n. kind of edible fern that grows in the water or swamp; wan kaen bus kabis we i olsem fens be i gro long wota o swam. Pteris sp.. Category: plant, food.
davarteker n. kind of shrub, grows to about 2m with tiny white flowers; wan kaen plant. tenge talē qiat, blong mekem se taro i gro bigwan. Maesa sp.. Category: plant.
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deben tenēnēg n. kind of small plant; wan kaen smol plant. If you rub the leaves on your arm it will improve your aim at shooting. Blong mekem se yu save sut stret, rabem lif long han blong yu. Melicytus ramiflorus. Category: plant.
dege n. leaf; lif. Category: plant, tree.
deli n. very heavy rain; ren we i strong we i strong.
delti n. buttress root, kind of tree root which starts high up on the trunk and is wide and long, reaching down to the ground; kaen rus blong wud we hem i stat antap long stamba mo i kasem daon long graon, olsem blong nakatambol, bluwota, siok, natavoa o namambe. Ol i stap yusum rus ia blong mekem kaving, olsem natambia o blong kilim long danis.
demeles n. Bullethead Parrotfish; kaen fis olsem blufis. olsem ol smol blufis we ol i no kam bigwan yet. Chlorurus sordidus. Category: fish, marine.
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demen mav n. kind of shrub; wan kaen plant. Putum bihaen long sora blong yu sapos yu go long wan rabis ples. Ficus septica. Category: plant.
demete n. leaves fastened together and used to cover opening of stone oven; ol lif we ol i fasem tugeta blong blokem ae blong oven.
den1 prep. abl.
den2 subord. lest; nogud.
den3 vt. come from; kam long.
den̄ v. beat to call attention, as beating on bamboo to call people to meeting; kilim (tamtam, dram) blong singaotem man i kam.
deteqen̄tōw n. kind of edible fern that grows on hill; bus kabis we hem i gro long saed blong hil. Pteris sp. Lit: leaf of top of hill Category: plant, food.
devga n. sago palm leaf which is dry and has brown mark on it; lif natanggura we i gat braon mak olsem i drae.
dēbit n. good spirit (can be of dead or live person) who gives things to.
dēdērēs vi. taste good; i swit. Category: food.
dēm n. childless woman, woman who has never given birth; woman we i neva karem pikinini. Iro vo ke nē o dēm, ba tōar wē, nē gētē dēm, na nōtōn nirō. That woman is childless, but the other one yes, she isn't childless, she has two children. Woman ia i neva karem pikinini, be narawan yes, hem i karem pikinini, hem i gat tu pikinini.
dēmē conj. plus, used to conjoin numerals, thousands and hundreds and tens and units. Qet na tasēn sam̄ul tiwial dēmē nirō. Qet had twelve younger brothers. Qet hem i gat twelef smol brata.
dēmērir n. pandanus which has dried on the plant; pandanus we i drae long stamba. Category: weaving.
dēmērmēr n. tree fern; blakpam. Cyathea spp.. Comparing dēmērmēr and qatē, dēmērmēr does not grow as tall; the hands grow closer together; the leaves start further from the base; and the trunk is harder to cut and not soft inside. qatē is used as a grater for tubers, but dēmērmēr is not. Category: plant.
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dēn v. beat, tap lightly, bang, beating just to make a noise, rather than to make music or signal to people; kilim (bambu, wud) blong mekem noes nomo. Nēk i rōn̄teg ni dēn bilēn̄ o ak vagōrō. You hear her bang again on the canoe a second time. Yu harem hem i kilim kenu bakegen nambatu taem. I sē tē dēn o delti rēntenge avē? Who is banging on a tree root some place? Hu i stap kilim wud sam ples?
dēnēr n. sieve for kava made of ?; sev blong kava.
v. sieve; sevem kava. See: sēnsēn.
dēnin n. leaf like heliconia but smaller; smol lif laplap. used for wrapping up food. Cominsia gigantea. Category: plant.
dēn̄ vi ; vt. reach{vt}, arrive{vi}; kasem.
dēqēt n. Bird's Nest Fern; wan kaen lif we i stap gro long stamba blong wud. Asplenium nidus. Category: plant.
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dēr n. coconut crab; krab kokonas. Birgus latro. Category: marine, animal.
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dērē vi. wait; wet. Qet nē mē dērē dērē, oo mö möul. Then he waited and waited, oh it was a long time. Afta hem i wet, i wet, oo, i longtaem.
2 • vt. wait for; wet long. Qēt nēk kara dērē tōar masawre o ak min van me. Then you just wait for another time when the ship will come. Afta bae yu jas wet long narafala taem we sip bae i kam.
dērēs v. tear strip from edge of coconut or pandanus leaf to make narrower for use in weaving; teremaot pat blong lif kokonas o pandans sapos i bigwan tumas taem yu wantem wiv. No mē dērēs o dōmōtō ko sur gö luluwō idian. I removed a strip off the edge of the coconut leaf because it was too wide. Mi teremaot pat blong lif kokonas from we i bigwan tumas. Na mōgōn o dōmōtō e gē dēdērēs si gētē dēdērēs? ? Category: weaving.
dērivriv Variant: dirivriv. n. fan; fan. Category: weaving.
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dērvag n. beach pandanus; waelpandanas, wan kaen pandanus we i gro long solwota mo i save gro bigwan mo i gat longfala rus. Man i save kakae nat blong hem. Ol i yusum blong wivim kastom dresing mo tu ol i save yusum blong blokem top blong haos. Ol i save yusum drae lif wetem wota blong nangae blong mekem kastom laet. Category: plant, tree.
dēsēn n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri we i save gro eni ples. I gat plante yus long kastom meresin mo ol i yusum top blong lif we i red blong lif meresin. Ol i save yusum blong faeawud tu. Category: plant, tree, kastom.
dētēriv v. cottonwood leaf; stikim tugeta lif blong burao o navenue blong mekem i bigwan blong kavremap kakae. Category: food.
dëm Variant: dem. n. yam; yam. Dioscorea spp..
dëm bōnōbōn n. kind of yam; wan kaen yam we i longfala mo i waet mo i gat smel blong hem.
dëm getō n. kind of yam; wan kaen yam we insaed i red evriwan. Category: food, crop.
dëm̄ël n. kind of plant with edible leaves, that are yellowish green; wan kaen tri we lif blong hem i gat ol poenpoen long saed blong hem. There are two kinds. Ol i save kakae yang lif blong hem olsem kabis mo hem i gud speseli blong bekem wetem mit. Polyscias fructicosa. Category: plant.
dër vi. rotten; roten.
dëvër n. orbicular batfish; wan kaen fis. Platax orbicularis. Category: marine, fish.
dëw vi. wet; wetwet.
diam vi. hang; hang. O tere gogov gē diam la ga. The clothes are hanging on the line. Ol klos ol i hang long rop. No mē dimdiam ti sar me la gakōkō. I was hanging up there on the swing. Mi bin stap hang antap ia long swing. O tibiar i siag me ti diam ti. That basket is hanging up there. Basket antap ia i stap hang.
dimdiam n. hammock, something one can hang in.
diar vi. wait; wet. Nēk ma da qēt, in̄ko nēk i siag diar. When who have finished doing that, then you sit and wait. Taem yu mekem finis, nao ia yu sidaon wet.
2 • vt. wait for; wet long. Nē go tog diar in̄ko ripot na mögun nēn. He will wait now for our report. Bae hem i stap wet nao long ripot blong yumi.
diat1 vi. soft, mushy; sofsof kakae we i dan tumas, olsem raes i kam olsem laplap, o yam i tumas wota. Kemem mo kuk o kōmar, ba kōmar mē diat. We cooked the sweet potato, but the sweet potato was overcooked and mushy. Mifala i kukum kumara, be kumara i dan tumas mo i sofsof. Sas sur gamlöt o qiat, den nē mē ditdiat. Remove the taro from the fire quickly, incase it gets overcooked. Karemaot taro long faea hariap, nogud hem i dan tumas.
diat2 vi. make a mistake and not reach the end when performing a dance; mestem mo no kasem stret en blong danis. Nonorēs lē qēn̄ē vōnō i rege rereqe mi diat tek na mögun nēr o laklak. The other day on the village's Saint's Day the women didn't finish their dance properly. Bifo yestedei long dei blong vilej ol woman ol i mestem mo no kasem stret en blong danis blong olgeta.
Die voc. Mum; Mama.
Die bum n. Grandma; Bubu woman. Category: kinterm.
dim vt. suck; titi long. No ma van ti lē dim waga. I went to suck waga fruit. Mi bin go blong kakae frut blong waga.
dim̄ia n. kind of shrub, Native Mulberry; wan kaen plant. Rub the leaf on fishing line before going fishing in order to catch lots of fish. Pipturus argenteus. Category: plant.
dinse n. saliva; spet. Na dinsan ni ōlōl. Her saliva was dribbling out. Spet long maot blong hem i kamkamaot.
2 • n. something slimy. O qiat ko o ke dinse. This taro is very slimy. Taro ia.
dir1 vi. hatch; (eg i) brok. Na bulëk o tō mē dir. My chicken hatched. Faol blong mi i kamaot long eg. Category: bird.
dir2 vt. bore, tire; boring. Mē dir no talo togtog oko. It bores me to stay here. Mi les blong stap long ples ia.
dir3 v. break off; brekem.
dērēn n. her/his/its leg; leg blong hem.1s: dirik. 2s: dērēn̄. 3s: dērēn. Category: body part.
ditial1 n. kind of shrub; wan kaen plant. The leaves are tied together to make a local broom. Also rub your legs with the leaves when walking in the bush and it is believed that this will prevent your legs from getting tired. Also used as a sösölö 'taboo'; if it is put on a tree then this means that people are not allowed to take the fruit or nuts. Men can put the leaves in their hair when performing a traditional dance. Ol i fasem lif blong mekem brum. Selaginella durvillei. Category: plant.
ditial2 n. kind of grass with tiny white flowers; wan kaen gras we i gat smolsmol waet flaoa. Potulacca campanulata. Category: plant.
divivi n. umbrella leaf; ambrela lif. Licuala grandis.
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diwinwian n. kind of plant; kaen lif. Lit: rain leaf, so called because it is believed that burning the leaves will cause it to rain tenge talē wian. Freycinetia tannaensis. Category: plant.
do n. kind of vine; wan kaen rop. Used for poisoning fish to catch fish. Ol i yusum blong posenem fis.
doman n. kind of leaf from a vine which is used to poison fish; wan kaen kastom lif blong wan rop we yu yusum blong posenem fish. Derris elegans.
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do qōrgavgav Category: plant, vine.
do- pre. leaf; lif.
do qōrgavgav n. leaf which looks like doman which is used to poison fish, but do qōrgavgav is not poisonous; wan lif we i luk olsem doman be i nogat paoa blong posenem fis.
doborm̄iak n. plant with strong scented yellowish, green leaves; lif we i gat smel blong hem we i yelo, grin. Used in dancing for the scent. Ol i yusum blong danis wetem from naes smel blong hem. Kopsia flavida?. Category: plant. See: wesev.
doot n. Vanuatu sago Palm; natanggura. Metroxylon warburgii.
2 • n. thatch; lif natanggura, taj. Category: plant, tree, house.
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dootnönqet n. wild bush pandanus; wael pandanus blong bus we i laekem ples we i gat wota. Lif blong hem i sap mo i save katem yu. I nogat yus tede be bifo ol i mekem ruf wetem olsem natanggura. Lit: Qet's sago palm Freycinetia sp. Category: plant, tree.
dordor v. make continuous rattling, rippling, shaking or reverberating noise; mekem noes we i stap gohed semak. O bē rōw me to solsol dordor wo. The river down there really makes a rippling noise as it flows. Wota daon ia i stap mekem plante noes taem wota i ron. Da dordor ten na mōgōn̄ o wēviriak e. Try and rattle your dancing rattles. Traem mekem navangge blong yu i mekem noes. Na möguk o gasel ko mo dordor. This knife of mine rattles (handle). Naef blong mi ia i stap seksek. See: dorveg.
dorveg v. bang together; bangem tugeta. See: dordor.
dō n. cliff; klif. Ba o masawre ine, nē o bëtutu dō. But that place, it was a big cliff. Be ples ia hem i wan bigfala klif.
dōkōlōkōl n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri. Dillenia biflora. Category: plant, tree.
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Dōl n. name of mythical creation figure.
dōl vt. swallow; solem (daon).
dōleg v. mix löt food dish after it has been pounded; miksim nalot wetem wud afta yu bin kilim finis. Category: food.
dōlgia vi. choke; no solem daon gud kakae o wota mo i fas long trot. Gen mölumlum, den nēk i dōlgia. Eat slowly, incase you choke. Kakae sloslo, nogud kakae i fas long trot blong yu.
2 • vt. choke on; jok long. Êlgor den nēk i dōlgia o siri mes. Careful, incase you choke on a fish bone. Lukaot, nogud bun blong fis i fas long trot blong yu.
dōmōtō n. blackspot emperor; blakspot redmaot. Lethrinus harak. Category: fish, marine.
dōmōtōtak n. plant related to kava but which cannot be made into kava; waelkava. Macropiper latifolium.
dōmōtōtak mamē plant related to kava with dark red leaves and branches; wael kava we lif mo han blong hem i red. Lit: red wild kava Category: plant.
dōmōvōtrev n. kind of small tree whose leaves close in the late afternoon; wan kaen tri we lif blong hem i klos long aftenun. Lit: leaf sleeps afternoon Albizzia lebbeck. Category: plant.
dōn1 n. earwax; doti blong sora. No gōtō rōn̄rōn̄teg wareg sur na qörök ko o dōn mö tur gor. I can't hear properly because earwax is blocking my ear. Mi no save harem gud from doti blong sora i blokem sora blong mi.
dōn2 n. hole that; hol we yu no luk save se hol from graon i flat nomo, be yu prumbut long hem mo foldaon insaed. No ma van qal o dōn sar me le gersal.
dōōt n. Bilnd Your Eye, Milky Mangrove, kind of tree; wan kaen tri. It is believed that if you burn the wood then it will make you deaf. Excoecaria agallocha. Category: plant, tree.
dōr n. kind of wild yam; strong wael yam. Category: food.
dōrdōrse n. tideline; ples we solwota i finis long hem.
dōrōk pron. first person dual inclusive (we two, us two); yumitu.
dōrōq n. cottonwood leaves fastened together to form a lid for covering the opening of a steam oven; lid blong blokem ae blong oven we ol i mekem long lif blong burao o navenue. See: demete.
dōrōt n. type of edible fern; bus kabis, kaen fens we yumi save kakae. Diplazium harpeoides. Category: plant.
dōsdōs vi. coo, make noise like dove; (grinpijin o sotleg) i singaot, mekem noes blong hem. Sapos yu harem noes blong pijin i singaot long naet, hem i saen blong wan samting, maet man i ded o sik. Vël qön̄ no gō rōn̄teg o malqon ni dōsdōs. Every day I hear the fruit dove cooing. Evri dei mi harem grinpijin i stap singaot.
2 • vi. groans and sighs of sick man; noes man i mekem taem hem i sik. La masawre i Gavin ni los, nē o mēsi dōsdōs. When Gavin is sick he groans a lot. Taem Gavin hem i sik, i stap mekem plante noes. Category: bird.
dōsōtöl n. kind of vine, ground creeper with purple flowers; wan kaen rop we flaoa blong hem i popel. Canavalia rosea. Category: plant.
dōsōw n. kind of tree; wan kaen tree. Geniostoma rupestre. Category: plant, tree.
dōvōr nem n. kind of small tree; wan kaen smol tri. Blong ronemaot moskito. Vitex negundo. Category: plant.
dōw vi. overgrown (garden); bus i kavremap garen. No mō ōm̄ qēt na tiqēk, no mö möul talē riv na tiqēk mō dōw kēl. Si no gö mörös riv kēl na tiqēk ine, no ga mas dōw rieg kēl. If I want to plant my garden again, I must weed it again. Sapos mi wantem planem garen blong mi bakegen, mi mas widim bakegen. Category: garden.
dödöm vi. think; ting.
dödömia n. thought, idea; tingting. Na non o dödömia gete tenēnēg. His thinking isn't straight. Tingting blong hem i no stret.
2 • n. meaning; mining. O dödömia taē vita la masawre o m̄iar ni wot me, ni miat. Its meaning is that when a child is born, it dies. Mining blong hem se taem pikinini i bon i ded.
dödöu n. leaf; lif, lif blong. Category: plant, tree.
dökurut n. kind of wild pandanus, with yellow flower, fruit is red when ripe; olsem wan kaen wael pandanas we i gat nil long lif blong hem. Leaves are used traditionally when laying a prawn trap in the water to ensure that you catch lots of prawns. Freycinetia tannaensis. Category: plant.
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döl quant. all; evriwan.
döm dērē vt. expect; ekspektem. No mö döm dērē vita i Weten̄ nē ge tek me na gëk o qiat, ba nē gete tek me. I expected the Weteng was going to bring me some taro, but he didn't bring it. Mi bin ting se Weteng bae hem i karem sam taro blong mi, be hem i no karem i kam. No mö döm dērē nēk ta nēk ga van me, ba odian̄. I expected you to come, but you didn't. Mi bin ekspekt se bae yu kam, be nogat.
2 • n. expectation; tingting se bae wan samting i olsem. Na möguk o döm dērē vita nē go kuk timiak gēn, in̄ko nē ma da gē sisia. My expectation was that he would cook like this, then he did it differently. Tingting blong mi se bae hem i kuk olsem ia, nao ia hem i mekem i defren.
döm kēl vt. think about, remember; tingbaot. Nēk gö döm kēl i vo so nēn ma kakaka ti e, nēk gö döm kēl vēti na sian? You remember that guy who we spoke with, do you still remember his name? Yu tingbaot man ia we yumi bin storian wetem hem, yu tingbaot nem blong hem yet? No ga da döm kēl nē tale le o magal. I will remind her to get the ants. Bae mi rimaenem hem blong karem anis. No götö döm kēl nēk ma qaq ti min no. I don't remember that you told me. Mi no tingbaot se yu bin talem long mi.
döm mav vt. respect; ting hevi, respek. Nē götö döm mav ira marmarōōn. She doesn't respect her uncles. Hem i no respektem ol angkel blong hem.
2 • n. respect; respek. Kemem ma kakaka ba i Tony ta da ren ti o qōrōtōt, o döm mav odian̄ ren min nē. We were talking but Tony kept making noise, he lacks any respect at all. Mifala i bin storian be Tony i stap mekem noes, i nogat respek nating.
döm sur vt. think about; tingbaot.
döm tutun vt. think strongly, be determined; tingting strong blong mekem wan samting. Na gëvrun Hilton rōrō ine, si rōrō mö dödöm tutun aē, timiak ine nē mē qēt ren ti vitia. Hilton's house, if the two of them had thought strongly about it, in that case it would have been finished ages ago. Haos blong Hilton tufala, sapos tufala i bin tingting strong long hem, olsem ia hem i finis longtaem finis.
döm viteg vt. forgive; fogivim. Na lölök me en nēk ti am̄ō ba no mö döm viteg in̄ko no mē qēt lōl enen nēk. I was angry with you before but I have forgiven and now I have finished being angry with you. Bifo mi kros long yu be nao ia mi fogivim yu, mi nomo kros long yu nao. I Andrew Bō më bël na bulëk o gē ba no mö döm viteg min nē. Andrew Bō stole my kava but I have forgiven him. Andrew Bō i stilim kava blong mi be mi fogivim hem.
2 • n. forgiveness; fogivnes. I Mam o döm viteg odian̄ ren min nē. Dad doesn't have any forgiveness in him. Papa i nogat fogivnes nating.
dön̄ n. coconut leaf mat; lif kokonas mat.
dön̄ög v. leave; putum wan samting, livim i stap (olsem se bae yu jas kambak from o man i karem i kambak o wan i kam from). Wölus, nonor i Kali mö dön̄ög viteg ti min no o bibis ga wo ni van den a Sanlen̄. Sister in law, yesterday Kali left a roll of string with me and went to Sanlang. Tawian, yestedei Kali i bin livim wan rol string i stap wetem mi mo i go long Sanlang. O tōar katon no mö dön̄ög viteg ti a M̄ēsēn, tōlōw na kara kēl sur. I left the other carton at Mosina, tomorrow I will go back for it. Narafala katon mi livim i stap long Mosina, tumoro mi jas goback from.
dörug vt. trick; trikim, giaman long.
dötöl n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri we i save gro bigwan mo i gat smel. Ol flaoa blong hem i red mo ol pijin mo flaeng foks i stap kakae. Ol i yusum blong kastom meresin, faea mo timba tu from ol bebet ol i no wantem kakae. Category: plant, tree.
dötöqötun n. plant with stinging nettle like leaves with a serrated edge and tiny flowers; wan kaen plant we hem i save kakae skin blong yu. Category: plant.
dötösqar n. green (undried) pandanus leaf; grin lif blong pandanas. Category: weaving.
dötöv n. bluefin trevally; blu karong. Caranx melampygus. Lit: sugarcane leaf Category: fish, marine.
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dövuln̄ö n. kind of plant with edible leaves; nalaslas. Polyscias scutellaria. Category: plant, tree, food.
döwis n. soft edible tips of breadfruit leaves; top blong bredfrut. Category: food. See: biēg.
döwurwur n. broom; brum. Lit: leaves for sweeping See: wur.
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dun vi. sure, true; sua. Nēk gö dun vita o ak gē dēn̄ me tōlōw? Yu sua se sip bae i kasem tumora?
dunregōsōw n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri. wan kaen tri we hemi meresin we yu save yusum blong fiksim wan tut sapos i brok. Category: plant, tree, kastom.
dunrem̄ēlēg n. kind of plant; wan kaen wud. Leucosyke australis.
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dun̄bönö n. Java cedar, Bishop wood; nakoka. Bischofia javanica. Category: plant, tree.
dur1 v. stab, poke hole; stikim. Nē mö dur mi miat o qō tek o gasel. Hem i stikim pig i ded wetem naef.
2 • v. dig hole; digim hol. Nēk tö durdur o qarörö sur o so? What are you digging a hole for? Yu stap digim hol blong wanem?
3 • v. hollow out inside of canoe; digimaot insaed blong kenu. Nēn a dur o ak tek o vidëm. We will hollow out the canoe with an ? Bae yumi digimaot insaed blong kenu wetem ?
dutgōr v. tie knot; mekem not, mekem joen long rop o fasem taet long en blong hem.
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