K - k
-k poss.pron. 1sg; blong mi.
kaka v. tell; stori.
kakaka v. chat; storian.
2 • n. story{n}; storian.
kakēlis n. brown striped lizard; braon lised wetem laen. Category: animal.
kal1 vt. pull in fishing line; pulum string. Nēk ma kal o mes nives? How many fish did you catch? Yu pulum hamas fis? Category: marine.
kal2 vi. go up, go inside, go landward; antap, insaed. Category: spatial.
kalkal1 n. hill; hil.
kalkal2 vi. crawl; wokbaot fo leg. Na nōtōn̄ e ma kalkal? Is your child crawling? Pikinini blong yu i wokbaot fo leg?
kalmōs n. kind of lizard which lives on the reef and is black with green-yellow belly; wan kaen lised blong rif we hem i grin mo blak. Category: animal.
kalō vi. go outside; go aotsaed. Nē mē wiak o mete gövur tala kalō. She opened the door in order to go outside. Hem i openem doa blong i go aotsaed. Category: spatial.
kalqar n. green tree lizard; grinlised. Emoia sanfordii. Category: animal.
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kar n. spear with four prongs and rubber; spia we hem i gat raba blong hem.
kara v.part. just; jas.
kasivi n. fork (of river, tree); fok (blong wota, wud). o kasivi bē fork of a river. fok blong wota. See: n̄iria.
kastom n. tradition; kastom. From: Bislama 'kastom'
kat v. stick; fas.
ke int. yes; yes. See: e'e.
ke cl. relational classifier used to mark ownership of forms of transport, such as a canoe; blong.
ke int?. no?
ke emph?. covered?
kel vt. stir; tanem (wetem spun). O so nēk te kelkel? What are you stiring? Yu stap tanem wanem?
kemek pron. first person plural exclusive (we, us); mifala. Variant: kemem.
kemem pron. first person plural exclusive (we, us); mifala. Variant: kemek.
ker vt. comb; komem. Iutikas, nēk i van me, na ker na vōlōn̄. Iutikas, come here and I'll comb your hair. Iutikas, yu kam, mi komem hea blong yu.
kere part. dehortative marker. Vita, 'ōōō, ri kōrō mōlmōl kēti.' He said, 'No, don't go home yet.'. I se, 'Nogat, yufala i no gohom yet.'.
keres vt. scratch, dig; skrasem, digim.
keresi n. thorn (of wild yam, Chinese yam, umbrella leaf); nil blong wael yam, tamag, ambrela lif.
kes v. argue, row with; rao. Nitog keskes! Don't argue! Yu no rao!
kev v. dig.
kewō n. big canoe; bigfala kenu. Category: marine, canoe.
kē1 n. dolphin; dolfin. Category: marine, animal.
kē2 ?. ? Nē ma van ren kē a Worwor, e ni ēl i taman e ni los. Nē tōwō sōsō vēti so ine, wo tēgēr ni ukëg kēl ine, tēgēr ni gav kēl, dēn̄ kēl kē a Rō.
kēl v. return; kambak. No mē ēl vita o masawre in̄kē no mi ti kēl bilēn̄ aē. Mi luk se ples ia, bae mi no gobak long ples ia bakegen.
2 • adv. again; bakegen.
3 • prep. towards, face. kēl wōl, rōw...
kēlēglēg vi. crooked; kruked. Gō tō ōn tenēnēg, gō ōn kēlēglēg. It doesn't lie straight, it lies crooked. Hem i no lei stret, i lei kruked.
kēmi pron. second person plural (you all); yufala.
kērē n. 1 • ass, bottom; as, botom.
2 • base, underside; as, ananit.
kēt v. wild; wael. No ma van vita na vil bulëk o tō ba o tō e mē kēt. Mi go blong holem taet faol blong mi be faol blong mi i wael.
kēti int. wait; wet.
2 • int. short time; sot taem. No ga mamar kōmōrōn vita, dōrōk ge mem viteg kēti o kastom. Mi plis long yu se yumitu livim kastom fastaem.
kētkēt n. high in sky; antap long skae.
2 • n. heaven; heven. I God, na vanan̄ kal li ketket. God, your place is up in heaven. God, ples blong yu antap long heven.
kër1 v. scratch; skrasem.
kër2 v. want; wantem.
2 • v. like; laekem. See: lölö; mörös.
kikse n. side (of); saed (blong). Category: spatial.
kilo vi. turn around; tanem. No mē ēl kilo. I looked behind. Mi lukluk bihaen.
kir vi. fart; brekwin.
kirkiar n. croton; kala lif. Codiaeum variegatum.
kirkiar m̄eter variety of croton; wan kaen kala lif. Blong ol woman nomo. Lit: m̄eter's croton
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kirkiar qere qō variety of croton with curly leaves; wan kaen kala lif we lif blong hem i tantanem. Lit: ?? pig croton
kirkiar qet variety of croton that is red and green; wan kaen kala lif we i red mo grin. Blong ol man nomo. Lit: Qet's croton
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kirkiar sas qön̄ variety of croton; wan kaen kala lif. Lit: ?? night croton Category: plant.
kirkir diarrhoea; sitsit wota. Nē o kirkir. She has diarrhoea. Hem i sitsit wota.
klinlines noun. cleanliness:BI.
ko dem. here, this; ia. Category: spatial.
Koimaram n. place name.
kokos vi. narrow; smol (naro). O gersal e go kokos gem. That road is only narrow. Rod ia i smol nomo.
2 • vi. make narrow, tight; mekem i smol. Nēk i gis kokos na molon̄. Bring your clothes in tightly round your legs. Holem klos blong yu i taetem leg blong yu.
3 • vi. close together, hold together; klosap.
4 • vi. tightly woven; wivim taet. Category: weaving.
kon̄ v. break off; brekem.
kor v. cut trees and branches which you have cut down into smaller pieces so that they will dry and you can burn them; katkatem ol brans mo wud we yu bin katem blong livim i drae redi blong bonem. Rēntenge, nēk ma tar tul vitia, e nēk i kor. The tree, you've already chopped it down, now cut it up. Wud, yu katem daon finis, ale yu katem pisisim. Category: garden.
kosēv vi. break off (of branch); kamaot (brans blong wud). O rērēi mo kosēv den o rēntenge. The branch broke off from the tree. Brans i kamaot long stamba.
kōk v. surround with open arms when trying to catch something (eg chicken); raonem wetem open han. Nē gö mörös ta ni gis varge o tō, e ni kōk gōr. He wants to catch a chicken, so he approaches it with open arms. Hem i wantem kasem faol, ale hem i openem han blong hem i blokem.
2 • n?. chicken???
kōkm̄eg vt. look after, guide; lukaotem, kea (long). Si nēk i kōkm̄eg wareg gōr na ōsōn̄ nēk mito los le. If you look after your life well, you won't get sick. Sapos yu lukaotem gud laef blong yu bae yu no sik. No ta vanvan ba no ga van kōkm̄eg ra nötuk. As I go I look out for my children. Mi stap go, be mi lukaotem gud ol pikinini blong mi.
kōkō vi. swing; swing. I Jessica ni kōkō la gakōkō. Jessica is swinging on the swing. Jessica i swing long swing.
kōlkōl n. grade-taking ceremony; seremoni we man o woman i save mekem. Woman i mekem long haos, man i mekem long nakamal. Category: kastom.
kōmar n. sweet potato; kumara. Ipomoea batatas.
kōmōrōk pron. first person dual exclusive (we two, us two); mitufala.
kōmōrōn̄ pron. second person dual (you two); yutufala.
kōn̄ v. snap, break; brekem. Nēk i kōn̄ lēt o rēntenge. You snap the wood. Yu bendem brekem wud.
kōn̄qarqar n. someone who died unexpectedly while still young and healthy; man we hem i no sik mo hem i no olfala be hem i jas ded nomo taem yumi no ekspektem. Category: kastom.
kör n. dried breadfruit; drae bredfrut. Blong mekem bredfrut olsem ,ol i rusum bredfrut finis, katemaot top wetem sofsof pat insaed, mekem faea long oven, putum bredfrut insaed mo putum tivtiv (lif natanggura we ol i bin somap) antap. Taem i dan i drae olsem biskit mo ol i paselem long lif burao, hangem ova long faea mo i save stap wan to tri yia. Category: food.
körkör vi. black; blak. Category: colour.
kukuk v. cook; kuk.
kukuög n. kind of banana; wan kaen banana we ol i kakae raepwan nomo mo taem yu sekem stamba ol raepwan i foldaon. Hem i sotfala. Category: banana. See: rurun̄ög.
kulë n. behind, after; bihaen, afta.
2 • n. back; baksaed.1s: kulëk. 3s: kōlan. kulen brenden baksaed blong Brenden. Category: body part, spatial.
kulum1 v. bend at joint, as legs; benem, fasem taet natanggura. Nēk i kulum na banēn̄. You make a fist. Yu mekem taet han blong yu.
kulum2 v. clench fist; taetem han.
kulun vt. gather together in bundle and tie up; mekem bandel mo fasem taet. Ri kulun kalkal o tere doot gēn. Bundle together those sago palm leaves and tie them up. Putum ol lif natanggura long wan bandel mo fasem taet.
kuög v. shake, move; sekem, muvum. Kuëg mamamat nē. Sekem hem i wekap.
kur vt. eat something that is hard (e.g. nut, biscuit, bone); kakae wan samting we hem i strong (olsem nat, biskit, bun).
kurkurqōl n. blue finned triggerfish; kaen strongskin. Lit: ?? Category: fish, marine.
kurqar not cooked properly; hafdan, kakae we i no dan gud. Category: food.
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