A - a
a art. locative, to, at, marking absolute location nouns; long. Na van a Vila. Mi go long Vila. Category: spatial. See: lo.
a TAM. nonsingular nonspecific aspect marker.
aaōō int. expression of surprise, wow, gee; awo. Aaōō! Gō lōqtag, gō lōqtag. Wow! There were lots and lots. Aaoo! Ol i plante we i plante. Aaōō, in̄ko o mēlin̄sal, mēlin̄sal. Gee, now (they were) really hungry. Awo, nao i hanggri we i hanggri.
abawē n. pandanus mat; pandanus mat. Category: weaving.
aē1 part. have, existential predicate marker; i gat. Ke, o bak aē le mete gëvruk. There is a banyan tree at the doorway of my house. I gat wan nambangga long doa blong haos blong mi.
aē2 dem. anaphoric pronoun, there, previously mentioned place; long ples ia (wan ples we i bin tokbaot finis). Nē mē gil o qarörö, gil gil giigil, ni van, ni taq lin̄ereg aē. He dug a hole, dug and dug, and he went and hid in it. Hem i digim hol, digim, digim, i go i haed long hem. Qēt kemem a dēn̄ me o masawre nitiwial, kemem a gengen aē. Then we arrived at a place and we ate there. Finis mifala i kam long wan ples, mifala i kakae long ples ia.
aē3 part. anaphoric marker; about something that has been previously mentioned??; long, from. Mō mōvōt tul ren, na lolon mō qōr ren aē o maram. He slept very deeply and he forgot about the world. Hem i slip bigwan tumas, hem i fogetem wol. Kemek döl mö vugvug aē. We all had a meeting about it. Mifala evriwan i miting from.
ak n. canoe, boat, ship; kenu, sip. Si kēmi gö mörös o ak talo kopra na mögun kēmi, nēk i wöl. If you all want to own a copra boat, you buy (one). Sapos yufala i wantem wan sip blong kopra blong yufala, yu pem.
ak gavgav n. plane; plen.
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ak geben n. sailing canoe; sel kenu.
ak sōsō canoe; kenu. E rōrō a siōl sar me, rēv kal sar o ak sōsō. Then the two of them floated ashore and pulled ashore the canoe. Ale tufala i flot i kam antap, pulum i kam antap kenu. ‘canoe’. Category: canoe, marine. See: bakalav.
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anm̄eg vt. bother, disturb; spolem. Mōlio, Mōlio ni sōsō ti, ni sō sōsō, rōrō a sōsōsō, wo sar e i timiat mo gotru me, ni anm̄eg o tō. Mōlio, Mōlio paddled, he paddled and paddled, the two of them paddled, and on the shore the devil came along and disturbed the chickens. Mōlio, Mōlio i parel, i parel go go, tufala i parel, parel, mo antap ia, devil i kamtru, hem i spolem faol.
an̄an̄ vi. yellow; yelo. Dödöu ga an̄an̄ ine, o gē ine na sian o wistaban. The leaves are yellow, that kava is called wistaban. Lif i yelo ia, kava ia, nem blong hem wistaban. Category: colour.
aqa int. expression of surprise, disbelief, horror; gee, gosh; awo. Qēt no wo, 'Aqa, in̄ko timiak avē rëwël?' Then I said, 'Gee, now what are we going to do brother in law?'. Afta mi se, 'Awo, nao ia olsem wanem tawian?'.
ar1 n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri. Used for making bows. Ol i yusum blong mekem bonaro. Premna corymbosa.
ar tur n. kind of ar tree which grows near the sea and is a strong tree which does not bend; wan kaen ar tri we i stap long solwota mo i strong mo i no save benben.
ar ōl n. kind of ar tree which grows in the bush; wan kaen ar tri blong bus. Category: plant, tree.
ar2 n. fence; fenis. Nēk ma tatag ere buluk ine van van van van vavavan, nēk mē tēqēl sōw le qeren̄ bē bilēn̄ nitiwial. You follow the cattle fence on and on and on until you go down to another creek. Yu folem fenis blong buluk ia go go go googo, yu godaon long wan wota bakegen.
2 • n. fenced in area, pen, compound, enclosure; fenis. Ni van la ar, ni lēg o tere qō ine, ni van me ni lēg lē wērēntenge. He went to the enclosure, he tied up the pigs, and he came and tied them to the posts. Hem i go long fenis, i fasem ol pig ia, i kam i fasem long wud.
Arep n. place name; nem blong ples.
as vt. rub; rabem. Jessica nē ni as na matan, o dödömia taē vita nē gö mörös mōvōt. When Jessica rubs her eyes it means that she wants to go to sleep. Taem Jessica i rabem ae blong hem, mining blong hem se hem i wantem slip. Nēk i le me o tenge, nēk i as, nēk i vun la panken, e ni sum. Bring the medicine leaf, rub it, squeeze it into a cup, then she;ll drink it. Karem lif meresin i kam, yu rabem, skwisim i go long kap, ale bae hem i dring.
2 • vt. wash, scrub (plates); wasem. Lö lölö gövur, na wur o lölö gövur, na as o plet. Inside the house, I sweep inside the house and I wash the plates. Insaed long haos, mi brum insaed long haos, mi wasem plet. See: gösuv.
asaw adv. separate, apart; stap hem wan. Nē go tog asaw den o tan̄sar, nē go tog asaw den o men, wo nē go tog asaw den o animol. It (flying fox) is apart from people, it is apart from birds, and it is apart from animals. Hem (flaengfoks) i stap defren long ol man, hem i stap defren long ol pijin, mo hem i stap defren long ol animol. Mem asaw, den nana qal ni m̄ës. Put it apart, in case I touch it and it falls. Putum i stap hem wan, nogus mi kasem i foldaon.
asēg vt. share out, separate, divide; seraotem. Dōrōk a asēg o n̄e. Let's share out the canarium nuts. Yumitu seraotem ol nangae.
at vt. tie thatch slabs onto bamboo rafters; fasem lif natanggura i go antap long bambu. Nēn mo so o doot, nēn a tek me, a vidir, a vēn, qēt, in̄ko nēn a at. We remove the sago palm leaves, we bring them, we remove the midribs, we sew them and then we tie the thatch to the rafters. Yumi tekem natanggura, yumi karem i kam, karemaot bun, somap, finis, nao ia yumi fasem i go long bambu.
at rēv v. fasem lif natanggura we i no fasfas tumas.
at tit v. fasem lif natanggura we i fasfas gud wetem plante lif klosap. Category: house.
atalē adv. all over the place; olbaot. Ri kere vanvan avē, ba ri togtog gem le mete gëvrun nēn ine, ri oror atalē. Don't go anywhere, but just stay by the door to our house and play around. Yufala i no go samples, be stap nomo long doa blong haos blong yumi, yufala i pleplei olbaot. Nē gata vanvan atalē, nē gē sigsiag gem. She didn't go all about, she just sat down. Hem i no stap go olbaot, hem i sidaon nomo.
atelen̄ vi. look upwards; luk antap. Nēk i atelen̄ siag, nēk i ēl siag e o wie biēg ti diam ti. Look up and you'll see up there a breadfuit hanging. Lukluk i go antap, yu lukim antap ia, bredfrut i stap hang.
atik n?. small; smol.
atiktik Wōl nē atik e, nē mita van le. Because he is small, he won't be able to go. From hem i smol ia, bae hem i no save go. See: nötu.
atm̄ēn n. man; man. Qön̄ nitiwial i rege min ginon, atm̄ēn wo reqe, rōrō me leg. One day there was a couple, a man and a woman, the two of them were married. Wan dei i gat man wetem woman blong hem, man mo woman, tufala i mared.
2 • n. male. I nōtōn ine o atm̄ēn, ma qal wot o atm̄ēn. Her child was a boy, the first born was a boy. Pikinini blong hem ia boe, fasbon hem i boe. Nēk gö mörös o tō atm̄ēn si o tō reqe? Do you want a rooster or a hen? Yu wantem man faol o woman faol?
av v. make mistake, miss, wrong; mestem. Oo mamarseg, na lölön kōmōrōk mō qōr, e no ma qaq av vita nēk ma van a Wētika. Oh sorry, the two of us forgot, so I said it wrong that you had gone to Wētika. O sore, mitufala i foget, ale mi talem rong se yu bin go long Wētika.
aw vi. shout, cry out; singaot. Ma var ten̄ten̄ nē ine, var gor na mōgōn o mōnōg, nē ni awaw tek. He stepped on him and made him cry, stepped on his sore, and he cried out because of it. Hem i stanap long hem mekem i krae, stanap antap long soa blong hem, hem i singaot wetem.
awi int. pah!, argh!; awe! Awi, no gëtë kër! Argh, I don't want it! Awe, mi no wantem!
awo int. wow!, woah!, hey!, ow!; awo! Awo, gōwē idian. Wow, it's really good. Awo, i gud tumas.
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