V - v
va- pre. caus.
vag n. Surgeonfish, name covers larger species of Surgeonfish (cf. qōl which covers smaller species); wan kaen fis. Family Acanthuridae, Acanthurus maculiceps A. albipectoralis.
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vag m̄ēl n. Yellowfin Surgeonfish; wan kaen fis. Lit: cycad surgeonfish Acanthurus xanthopterus.
vag m̄ël n. Eyestripe Surgeonfish; wan kaen fis. Lit: immature coconut surgeonfish Acanthurus dussumieri. Category: marine, fish.
vag- pre. multiplicative prefix. Category: numeral.
vaga adv. always, all the time; oltaem, evritaem.
vagal war; wo, bigfala faet. Category: kastom.
val n. hookjaw moray; kaen namarae. Category: marine, fish.
valakreg adv. randomly, not in ordered way; olbaot. Nēr ma da valakreg. They did it in a disorderly manner. Ol i mekem olbaot.
valqet ?. ? gër valqet o mōtō yusum wan saed sel kokonas blong skrasem narasaed.
van1 vi. go; go.
van2 n. kind of pandanus; wan kaen pandanus we i stap long solwota we i gat nil. Man mo flaengfoks ol i save kakae frut blong hem mo ol i juim mo afta spetemaot makas. Category: plant, tree.
van3 n. pineapple; paenapol, paenap, ananas. Ananas comosus. Category: plant, fruit.
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vangeg ???
Vanlis n. place name.
vann̄on n. pikinini blong sista blong wan man. Category: kinterm.
van̄ v. revive; mekem i kam laef bakegen.
var1 v. stomp, stand on, tread heavily; prumbut.
2 • v. go?; go? See: varseg.
var2 v. plant (island cabbage); planem (aelan kabis). only used with meaning to plant for island cabbage. yusum nomo blong planem aelan kabis. No ma var o sasar. I planted island cabbage. Mi planem aelan kabis.
varam n. twin; twin. Rōrō a vösus nötu m̄irm̄iar nirō. Rōrō o varam. The two of them gave birth two two children. The two of them were twins. Tufala i bonem tufala pikinini. Tufala i twin.
varar n. weaving pattern where two strips are woven under, two over; term used for weaving pandanus, coconut leaves, bamboo walling.
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varar tur two over, two under weaving pattern, straight up and down.
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varē n. outside; aotsaed.
varēg v. indicate?; talemaot.
varge adv. tightly; taet.
varian int. thanks; tangkyu.
varseg v. stand firm; stanap strong?
varvar n. kind of tree; wan kaen wud. Neisosperma oppositifolia. Category: plant, tree. See: rōq.
varvarsōm̄ n. kind of taro; wan kaen taro we han blong hem i laet grin mo kakae i waet. Hem i no save karem fok. Category: taro.
varwëgsērēt n. first flooding in process of irrigating of taro paddy. In this step the water remains in the paddy for five days before it is drained; fas taem we yu putum wota i go long garen taro blong i stap 5 dei.
varwëw v. release; sakem i lego.
varwōs mōgōn n. her/his/its lungs; lang blong hem. Category: body part.
varwöw v. troll (fishing); fasin blong fising long bot we yu lego string we i stap long rol. Category: marine.
vas vt. plant taro; planem garen taro.
vasas n. something surprising or unexpected; wan sapraesing samting. Kōmōrōn̄ ma da o vasas ine. The two of you did something unexpected and surprising. Yutufala i mekem wan sapraesing samting.
vasērēg v. thought, idea; tingting. Kemem gē rēv tatag o vasvasērēg gē sisia. We would write following different ideas. Bae mifala i raetem folem defren tingting.
vasgēr v. prepare and then wait; mekem redi i stap.
vaslē n. area of taro gardens (qēl) all planted together; ples blong ol garen wota taro. Category: taro, garden.
vasōgō v. read; ridim. No go mamar i rege timiak na sien nēr no go vasōgō lō oko. Bae mi askem olgeta, we olsem nem blong olgeta mi ridimaot nao ia.
vasösöv v. advise, instruct; advaesem.
vateber v. wake up; wekemap. Boso nēk ma vateber nē? Why did you wake him up? From wanem yu wekemap hem?
vatēv v. visit; visitim. Kemem ma vatēv o tan̄sar golos nonor. Mifala i visitim wan sik man yestedei.
vatiwial adv. once; wantaem. No go qaq min nēk vatiwial gëm. Bae mi tok long yu wantaem nomo.
Vatov n. place name.
vatōgō n. teacher; tija.
vatvat vi. promise, arrange; promes.
n. promise, arrangement.
vavam n. slipper lobster; flat naora. Parribacus caledonicus. Category: marine, animal.
vawē v. bless; blesem.
2 • n. blessing; blesing.
vawnët ?. all?
vawot vt. give birth; bonem. Nēr ga vawot o m̄irm̄iar. They will give birth to a child. Bae ol i bonem pikinini.
vawseg v. clean around; klinim.
vawseg v. clean, clear??
veglal n. mark of something; mak, saen. Nē mē ēl gem ke o veglal tala matien rōrō, o dar. He just saw a sign of their death, blood. Hem i luk saen nomo blong ded blong tufala, blad.
2 • vt. make a mark, sign; makem, mekem saen. Van, nēk i bis o widiar nilōvōrō, nēk i van, nēk i veglal ra nötun dōrōk. Go, pick seven phosphorescent mushrooms, you go, you mark our children. Go, tekem seven masrum we i saen long naet, yu go, yu makem pikinini blong yumitu.
vegsan̄ v. give more information in support of another person's argument???; ademap.
vel v. distribute; seraotem.
valan n. her/his/its mouth; maot blong hem. Category: body part.
veleg vt. beat (usually bamboo or wood) with one stick in each hand to make music or dance beat; kilim tamtam, bambu blong mekem miusik, o man i danis long hem.
veleklek n. (of baked laplap and vegetable) brown and crispy, crunchy; (laplap o skin blong kakae we ol i bekem) i dan gud mo i braon mo i strong. O laplap o veleklek. The laplap is brown and crunchy. Laplap i dan gud.? Kōmōrōk ma qan̄ris o laplap ba nē götö tum, nē ge veleklek gem The two of us baked a laplap but it didn't burn, it was just brown and crunchy. Mitufala i bekem laplap be hem i no bon, hem i dan gud mo i braon.
veltiwial1 long taem blong mared ol famle blong man mo woman i kam tugeta blong putum tugeta boe mo gel. Category: kastom.
ven̄en vt. feed; fidim. No ge ven̄en na nötuk tek o sus. I feed my child with the breast. Mi fidim pikinini blong mi long titi.
ver recip. recip. No gē ēl vergilal. ??
veran̄ v. Rōrō a veran̄ aē wona o tewen gēn.
verdēn̄ v. meet, join; mit. O vëtu rēntenge nirō me-verdēn̄. The two pieces of wood joined. Tufala pis wud i joen.
varan1 n. 1 • her/his/its chest; jes blong hem.
2 • her/his/its liver; leva blong hem.1s: vërëk. 3s: varan. Category: body part.
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vere2 n. ?
verlē vi. compete; kompit.
verliliseg v. argue; rao. Nonor nēr me verliliseg sur o tan. Yesterday they had an argument about land. Yestedei ol i rao from graon.
vernonog v. advise; advaesem.
verqirin̄ close together; fasfas. Nēr mē-riv o tere gē ine gē-rivrivteg idian, nēr ge-verqirin̄. They planted the kava too close together, they are ? Ol i planem ol kava i klosap tumas, ol i fasfas.
ves1 num. how many, how much; hamas. Category: numeral.
ves2 vt. clean?; klinim.
vesel v. poke through, thread through; pusum (leaf) i gotru.
vet1 n. stone; ston.
vet bunbun n. black stones used for making oven; ston blong bek.
vet gag rock; bigfala ston.
vet lēg anchor; angka.
vet mërës n. hard black rock; strong blak ston.
vet qön̄ n. limestone?; waet ston.
vet siag n. stone for grinding kava on, that has a hollow like a platter; ston we i sidaon i stap, yu no save muvum. ‘stone’.
vet2 vt. plait, weave [refers both generally to interlacing of sets of elements (as plaiting of coconut leaves, pandanus) and specifically to interlacing of a set of weft elements across fixed warp elements]; wivim.
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vetvet n. weaving; wiving. Category: weaving.
vet3 num. four; fo. Category: numeral.
vetbōn̄ n. rope used for picking up a wōw fish trap from the bottom of the sea. It has a stone on the end which has a hole in it for tying the rope to it, and a special hook; rop wetem ston mo huk long en blong hem blong pulum wōw net we i stap long solwota. Category: marine.
vetel n. banana; banana. Musa spp..
vetel mal n. kind of banana; wan kaen banana we stamba blong hem i bigbigwan be kakae blong hem i smol. Samtaem bandel blong hem i longfala. Lit: banana blong igel
vetel talisōr n. kind of banana; wan kaen banana we hem i red, lif i red mo stamba blong hem i smol mo red. hem i kakae blong devel. Category: banana, crop.
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Vetmōl n. place name.
vetnia v. gut (fish, animal); tekemaot gat.
2 • v. strip off excess woody material from coconut leaf, cane, etc in preparation for weaving, plaiting; karemaot doti blong lif kokonas o rop blong wivim.
Vetrat n. place name; name of a village.
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vetren̄ v. send; sendem. Kōmōrōk a van a mem o katon le sere plen ta bo nēr a vetren̄ tēqēl a Vōnō Lav. Mitufala i go putum katon long epot blong ol i sendem i go daon long Vanua Lava.
vetrug vt. stand up, erect; stanemap. No me vetrug kal o tere wasan̄. I erected the posts. Mi stanemap ol pos. Nē ni vetrug ti lē qētēgi man̄ko. He lay it against the mango trunk. Hem i stanemap long stamba blong manggo.
vetsur v. tell.
vē1 n. giant taro, elephant ears; waeltaro. Alocasia macrorrhiza. Category: crop, food, plant.
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vē2 n. where; wea. Qēt kōmōrōk a van lö gövur a vē i Sabine go togtog aē. Afta mitufala i go long haos we Sabine i stap long hem. ‘where’.
vēg v. ? o naw mē vēg me a wave came up. wef i kam antap.
vēgēg v. ?
vēkēm̄olo n. kind of tree that grows to about 4m, with purple flower and brown fruit; kaen tri we i gat popel flaoa mo braon frut. Ol i yusum blong faeawud nomo. tenge tala vas qiat. Psychotria aneityensis. Category: plant.
vēl1 n. lightning; laetning. ‘lightning’.
vēl2 v. use magic to kill a person; yusum majik blong kilim wan man i ded. I sē ni vēl nē? Who killed him with black magic? Hu i kilim hem wetem majik?
vēl v. divide; divaedem. Nēk mē vēl wor rōrō. You distinguished/ separated the two of them. Yu seraotem/ divaedem tufala.
vēlavēl1 n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri, huremi. Alphitonia zizyphoides. Category: plant, tree.
vēlavēl2 n. person who knows how to poison people; man we hem i save posenem man. Tan̄sar ine, nē o tan̄sar vēlavēl. That person is someone who knows how to poison people. Man ia hem i wan we hem i save hao blong posenem man.
vēlereg v. divide and put things of same kind together; putum ol sem kaen samting long wan ples.
vēlēt v. divide?? Van me, van me, vaavan me, e rōrō a vēlēt rōrō, i Marinō fesbon, Mōlio sekon bon, ni qaq vita, ‘Nēk sur nēk sekon bon, van tavalgi mete gövur kēl wōl e, no fasbon, na van tavalgi mete gövur kēl me sōw e.
vēlis n. grass; gras. Category: plant.
vēlis ōlōl n. False Dodder, Love Vine, kind of slender rambling vine that grows on ground; wan kaen rop we i gro long graon. Cook with coconut oil and rub in hair to make hair grow long. Cassytha filiformis. Category: plant, vine.
vēlwor n. separate; divaedem.
vēn1 vt. shoot (with bow and arrow); sutum (wetem bonaro).
vēnvēn vi. go shooting; go blong sutum (fis). See: tēq.
vēn2 v. sew thatch; pinim lif natanggura. Nēn mo so o doot, nēn a tek me, a vidir, a vēn, qēt, in̄ko nēn a at. We remove the sago palm leaves, we bring them, we remove the midribs, we sew them and then we tie the thatch to the rafters. Yumi tekem natanggura, yumi karem i kam, karemaot bun, somap, finis, nao ia yumi fasem i go long bambu. Category: house.
vēnēm̄ n. tribe; traeb. Rōrō o vēnēm̄ ta Rēvi. The two of them are from the Rēvi tribe. Tufala i traeb blong Rēvi.
vēnvēn n. kind of tree with small, pale yellow flowers and small round fruit; wan kaen tri. Lit: shoot, so called because the fruit are used in children's play to shoot people through a blowpipe made of bamboo I gat yus long kastom meresin tu. Pavetta opulina. Category: plant.
vērē n. oyena mojarra, common mojarra; silva fis. Family Gerreidae. Category: fish, marine.
vērēg vi. run; ron.
vēti v.part. still; yet.
vētitne n. middle; medel.
vētuboso1 n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri we skin blong hem i tik mo rus blong hem i olsem natongtong. Ol man ol i yusum blong faea o timba blong mekem haos. Crossostylis cominsii. Category: plant, tree.
vēvēg1 v. count; kaontem. See: luw. Usage: Mota language.
vēvēg2 v. charge (someone) with doing something rong; jajem (man) from hem i mekem wan samting i rong.
vēvēr vt. pelt?, throw something at; stonem.
vëkrës v. scale; tekemaot skel blong fis. Category: marine.
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vël1 quant. every; evri. I no gē ēl TV vël qön̄. Mi luk TV evri dei.
vël2 v. answer; ansarem.
vëmlösal v. reply; ansa.
vër1 n. stingray; stingre.
vër mal n. spotted eagle ray; wan kaen stingre. Lit: eagle stingray Aetobatus narinari.
vër timiat n. manta ray; wan kaen stingre. Lit: devil stingray Manta birostris.
vër matawasē n. Kuhl's Stingray; wan kaen stingre. Lit: ?? shrikebill stingray Neotrygon kuhlii.
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vër dudut n. ?? black-blotched stingray; wan kaen stingre. Lit: ??dut stingray Taeniura melanospila. ‘stingray’. Category: marine, fish.
vër2 Variant: wëvër. n. Cottonwood, Beach Hibiscus; burao. Hibiscus tiliaceus.
gavër n. 1 • inner bark of Cottonwood; insaed long skin blong burao.
2 • cord, braid made from twisted or intertwined inner bark of Cottonwood; rop we ol i bin tanem long insaed skin blong burao. Category: plant, tree.
vërlē v. compete; kompit.
vërur n. kind of large vine; kaen bigfala rop.
vësëw bake up to three thousand taro in one large stone oven; bekem taro long bigfala oven wetem wan tu tri taosen taro. Category: food.
vësëw n. stone oven; hol blong oven. special kind of oven which is unique to the Banks Islands where a pit is dug, then stones are placed inside and a fire is lit on top. After the fire has died down the stones are not removed (as with most stone ovens in Vanuatu) but are spread flat to evenly distribute the heat and then the midribs from heliconia leaves are placed on top of the stones before placing the taro or meat on top, so that the food does not burn. The taro or meat is then piled up into a mound, leaving a hole in the middle. Several thousand taro can be cooked in the one oven and when the taro have all been piled up the mound is wrapped with heliconia leaves and then tied up with rope. Water is then poured into the hole left in the middle of the mound and the top is sealed. The food is thus cooked with steam rather than directly from the heat of the rocks.
v. bake food in stone oven; bekem kakae long oven. Category: food. See: um.
vësrët v. force; fosem.
vëtës v. discuss?
vëtu n. piece.
vëtur v. place in piles; hipimap.
vëwvëwlös v. ?; lukluk strong.
via n. grater for grating nuts and tubers to make laplap and nalot; samting blong salem nangae o ol kakae. Category: food.
viabobo n. kind of lizard; wan kaen lised we hem i dak braon mo hem i bigwan wetem bigbig ae. Skin blong hem i raf mo strong mo hem i save skrasem skin blong yu. Category: animal.
viaw v. thread, put something on a string; putum samting long rop, olsem fasem ol fis long rop o mekem nekles. Nēk mē viaw o bitbit. You threaded some beads.
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viaw mes sea is neither calm nor rough; solwota i no raf be i no kwaet. Ekspresen ia i kamaot long viaw 'putum samting long rop' mo i minim se maet solwota i kam raf, ale i gud yu putum ol fis long rop o maet ol i lus sapos solwota i kam raf. Category: marine.
vidëm n. adze, tool for hollowing out canoe; aj, tul blong katem kenu. O vidëm, nē talo dur o ak. A vidëm, it is for hollowing out a canoe. Vidëm hem i blong digim kenu.. See: tēqēs.
vidir Variant: vēdir. v. remove midrib from sago palm leaf; tekemaot bun blong lif natanggura. Nēn mo so o doot, nēn a tek me, a vidir, a vēn, qēt, in̄ko nēn a at. We remove the sago palm leaves, we bring them, we remove the midribs, we sew them and then we tie the thatch to the rafters. Yumi tekem natanggura, yumi karem i kam, karemaot bun, somap, finis, nao ia yumi fasem i go long bambu.
2 • v. shoot liaw fish; sutum liaw fis.
vikas v. communicate in sign language; toktok wetem han. O tan̄sar gētē-gilal qaqaq, nē gē-vikas gëm. A person who can't talk, communicates in sign language. Man we hem i no save toktok, i toktok wetem han blong hem.
vikian n. her/his/its thigh; top blong leg blong hem. Category: body part.
vil1 v. pick up; holem taet.
vil2 v. tie; fasem.
vilēs ?. all; evriwan.
vinit v. plait in additional pandanus leaf strips to create second side of pandanus mat; joenem lif pandanas blong statem narafala saed blong mat. Category: weaving.
vinkörögör n. coconut shell; sel kokonas.
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vinlas n. coconut shell, especially when used as a cup for drinking kava; sel kokonas, olsem ol i dring kava long hem.
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vinmötöl n. kind of taro; wan kaen taro we han blong hem i dak lelebet mo kakae i waet. Hem i save karem fok. Lit: skin i tik Category: taro.
vinraq n. dead coral; rif we i ded finis. Category: marine.
vinti n. skin; skin.1s: vintik. 2s: vēntēn̄. 3s: vēntēn.
2 • n. bark.
3 • n. husk. Category: body part.
vinwōn n. kind of banana; wan kaen banana we hem i olsem asis banana be hem i longfala lelebet mo hem i save flat. Category: banana.
vir v. braid, French braid; tanem (hea o rop o saed blong mat).
gavirvir n. braid, French braid; rop we ol i tanem. Category: weaving.
viris vt. tie, tie up; fasem.
vis v. hold?; fas.
vēsēn n. her/his/its vagina; kan blong hem.1s: visik. 3s: vēsēn. Category: body part.
visō n. Pitpit, Duruka, Vegetable cane; naviso. Saccharum edule. Category: plant.
vita1 comp. that; se.
vita2 v. say; talem.
viteg adv. away, completely.
vitia v.part. already; finis.
vitiar v. mention; mensonem.
vivi n. umbrella; ambrela.1s: vivik. 2s: vēvēn̄. 3s: vēvēn.
vivir v. ?
vivis v. guess.
vivivis n. guess.
vo n. thing, umm; samting, wanem.
vovon̄on vi. go fishing, looking for shellfish or other sea or freshwater creatures; lukaotem mit long wota o solwota.
vovotog ?. ?
vōl v. break off main new shoot, new growth from top of tree, shrub to make it branch.
vōlōvōl n. Klunzinger's wrasse; wan kaen fis. Thalassoma klunzingeri. Category: marine, fish.
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vōnō n. island; aelan.
2 • n. village; vilej.
3 • n. place; ples. the true name for Vanua Lava should be Vōnō lav. ‘settlement’.
vōnōdöwö n. kind of shrub, with furry leaves and stem and small mauve flowers; wan kaen smol plant. tenge talē qiat blong mekem se i bigwan. Ageratum conyzioides. Category: plant.
vōnōm̄ōlō long aftenun long namba fo dei blong wan man i ded, ol man (lida blong olgeta hem i famle blong man we hem i ded) ol i kam katem wud long garen o tekemaot haos blong ded man mo ol samting olsem. Afta pikinini blong ded man i mas givim mane long ol man we ol i mekem. Category: kastom. See: m̄iarten̄.
vōn̄ame n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri we flaoa blong hem i red mo i olsem nakavika be i strong. Flaengfoks i dring flaoa blong hem be ol i mas satem ae taem i dring o sapos no flaoa bae i stikim. Category: plant, tree.
vōr n. volcano; volkeno.
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vōrōg n. morning; moning.
2 • vi. be morning; kam moning.
vōs n. green coconut; grin kokonas.
vōs gargarteqërët n. Category: plant, tree, fruit, coconut.
vōsōsōs ?. (of strands for plaiting) lying overly close together; (lif blong wivim) i fasfas tumas.
vōt1 n. kind of fresh-water fish; wan kaen fis blong wota we hem i no save agensem karen. Category: water, fish.
vōvo n. thing; samting. Le me o vōvo gēn. Givim samting ia.
völög v. open eyes.
völöt n. taem fes bon pikinini i bon, famle blong mama ol i traem stonem papa blong pikinini wetem ol famle.
ver völöt v. Category: kastom.
vörus vt. ask (someone); ask (about); askem. Kemem töl a vörus nē vita 'I nēk timiak avē?' The three of us asked her, 'How are you?'. Mitrifala i askem hem se, 'Yu olsem wanem?'.
vörus völu n. question; kwestin.
vösus vt. give birth, lay egg; bonem, karem pikinini, putum eg. Ginon ine, nē ni vösus o m̄irm̄iar gēn. Woman blong hem ia, hem i bonem pikinini ia.
vötu n. (of tree), trunk, above bole??; stamba.
2 • n?. very large; bigwan tumas. Jessica nē o vötu m̄iar. Jessica is a very large child. Jessica hem i wan bigfala pikinini. Category: plant, tree.
vötu dōldōl n. oesophagus; rod blong kakae. Lit: stem for swallowing Category: body part.
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vötu wōqōlqōl n. neck bone; bun blong nek. Category: body part.
vötubanēn n. her/his/its arm; han (am) blong hem. Category: body part.
vötuga n. reel; wud blong rolem rop i stap long hem.
vötuga sēsēdig n. reel for rop for catching birds; wud blong rolem rop i stap long hem blong kasem ol pijin.
vötuga sōsōsōg n. fishing reel; wud blong rolem string blong fising i stap long hem. Category: bird, marine.
vötur ?. ?
vövötös v. discuss; diskas. Ta la da o savger gōwē o m̄ie nēn gö vövötös ae. Blong mekem wan gud samting yumi mas diskas fastaem.
vu n. spirit; speret.
vudege n. pandanus, screw pine; pandanus. Pandanus spp.. Category: plant, tree.
vug n. garden; garen.
vug vi. have meeting; miting.
vugvug n. meeting; miting.
vukrē n. scale; skel blong fis. Category: marine, body part.
vul n. hair; hea.
2 • n. feather; feta.1s: vuluk. 3s: vōlōn.
vulu tō n. chicken feather; feta blong fao l. ‘(body) hair’. Category: body part.
vulëg vt. open (eye); openem (ae). No mö vulëg na mëtëk. I opened my eyes. Mi openem ae blong mi.
vun1 v. pour water into oven to produce steam by which food will cook; kapsaedem wota antap long kakae long oven. Variant: vuv ‘Vera'a language’. Category: food.
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vun2 n. kind of insect which destroys yam; kaen bebet we i kakae yam. Category: insect.
vun3 v. squeeze liquid out of a leaf that is to be used for traditional medicine, using one hand; melekem (lif) wetem wan han.
vun4 v. fart inaudibly; man i fat we i kwaet nomo.
vunvun v. poison fish; posenem fis. this method especially used near the shore. ol i mekem olsem espeseli klosap long so.
vun viteg v. method of poisoning fish in deep sea; fasin blong posenem fis long dip si. Category: marine.
Vurës n. place name.
vurōmōvōt n. pearly monocle bream; wan kaen fis. Lit: ?? sleep Scolopsis margaritifer. Category: marine, fish.
vus1 n. bow; bonaro.1s: vusuk. 2s: vōsōn̄. 3s: vōsōn. vusun nixon bo blong Nixon. See: qate.
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vus2 vt. kill; kilim. Nēr a vus o tatu na mögun Catriona. Ol i kilim tatu blong Catriona.
vusarōr v. kilim pig blong lego spirit blong man we i ded. Ded man i kwaet be pig i singaot blong representem ded man i singaot mo hem i lego spirit. Category: kastom.
vusën̄sën̄ n. good spirit; kaen spirit.
vusgö n. meat; mit.
vusö n. black-blotched moray; wan kaen namarae.
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vusö ōn n. painted moray; kaen namarae. Lit: sand moray Category: marine, fish. See: marē.
vusveslivmat v. wan pikinini blong wan man we i ded i mas kilim wan pig o faol blong klosem ae blong man we i ded. Category: kastom.
vut n. fish poison tree; fisposentri. Barringtonia asiatica. Category: plant, tree.
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vutrë n. piece; pis.
vutulöt n. large carved wood for pounding nalot food dish; wud blong kilim nalot. Category: food.
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vuv Nē mi miat ti nēr ma da ēs nē mö vuv o bē lō qōtōn. Hem i bin ded be ol i mekem hem i laef bakegen from ol i kapsaedem wota long hed blong hem.
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