N - n
-n poss.pron. 3sg; blong hem.
-n poss.pron. const; construct suffix.
na art. poss.art.
na pron. first person singular nonspecific aspect marker.
nagnagsam̄ul n. kind of tree; wan kaen tri. Nem blong hem i minim se flaoa blong hem i gat ten flaoa insaed we ol i red, waet mo yelo. Category: plant, tree.
nak v. take notice.
Namnog n. place name.
Nam̄al n. place name.
Nam̄asm̄as n. place name.
nan n. pus; doti wota blong soa o boela.
nanar n. New Guinea rosewood; nananara, bluwota. Pterocarpus indicus. Category: plant, tree.
nar n. widow, widower; wido, woman we man blong hem i ded, man we woman blong hem i ded.
2 • v. give up one specific favourite food for 1,000 days out of respect after a close relative has died; taem mama o papa i ded, ol pikinini ol i mas givap wan kaen kakae we papa o mama i bin fidim olgeta wetem taem ol i smol. Ol i no save kakae kasem wan taosen dei. Tu ol i mas givim smol mane long hem we i ded mo hangem rop (blong burao) long nek blong hem blong givim saen se hem i lego wan kakae. Category: kastom. See: ganar.
naw n. sea.
2 • n. salt water.
3 • n. salt.
4 • n. wave; solwota.
2 • n. sol.
nawēut rough sea; solwota i raf.
dōrdōrsenaw tide mark?; mak we solwota i kam so, we yu harem noes blong solwota long ples ia. Category: marine.
nawon adv. without purpose.
-ne suf. ordinal suffix. Category: numeral.
nem1 v. lick; likim.
nem2 n. mosquito; moskito.
nem biliag n. kind of mosquito which is black with grei spots; wan kaen moskito we hem i blak wetem grei spot. Lit: moskito we kala blong hem i olsem nambilak
nem talöqön n. kind of mosquito which is brown and comes out at night; wan kaen moskito long naet we hem i braon. ‘mosquito’. Category: insect.
nen v. swell up a lot, as in a dead body or one's stomach if one has eaten too much; solap bigwan olsem wan ded bodi o bel blong yu sapos yu bin kakae tumas.
net deic. to.addr. ‘away, hence', 'motion away from speaker’.
nē pron. third person singular (he, she, it; him, her); hem.
nēk pron. second person singular (you); yu.
nēn pron. first person inclusive (we, us); yumi.
nēnēn n. shower; shower, light rain.
nēr pron. third person plural (they, them); olgeta.
nës vt. put into (container); fulumap. I nēn gë nës o tere gengen lo so? What shall we put the food in? Bae yumi fulumap ol kakae long wanem?
nët n. red silkwood, large tree, growing up to 30m with large edible green fruit; naduledule. Burckella obovata. Category: plant, tree, fruit. See: malnët.
ni1 TAM. third person singular nonspecific aspect marker.
ni-2 pre. numeral marker. Category: numeral.
nian n. shock.
nim̄al adv. very, too; tumas.
nin v. split leaf or leaflet in two along midrib, split length of vine or cane into strips; splitim lif, karemaot bun blong lif. e.g. remove midrib from heliconia leaf used in food preparation or remove midrib from coconut leaf to divide it into two pieces to weave. olsem tekemaot bun blong lif laplap o blong lif kokonas blong mekem tu pis blong wivim mat.
nirō num. two; tu. Category: numeral.
nirteg tie.
nisnias n. kind of plant. Elatostagis falcata. Category: plant.
nitog v.part. prohibitive mood particle (don't); no.
nives inter. how many; hamas. ‘how many?’.
nivet num. four; fo. ‘four’. Category: numeral.
no pron. first person singular (I, me); mi.
nomtuv v. believe; biliv. Gōwē nēn a döm mav i rege maranag. It is good for us to respect the chiefs. I gud yumi ting hevi long ol jif. I rege le SDA nēr goto nomtuv vita i Jisas nē mō tōrak kēl den o matē. Seventh Day Adventists don't believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Ol SDA ol i no biliv se Jisas hem i girap long ded.
2 • n. belief; bilif. O nomtuv na mōgōr gētē timiak o nomtuv na mögun nēn. Their beliefs are not like our beliefs. Bilif blong olgeta i no olsem bilif blong yumi.
non n. blackfin barracuda; sofis. Sphyraena genie. Category: fish, marine.
nonor temp. yesterday; yestedei. ‘yesterday’. Category: temporal.
nonorēs temp. time period before yesterday; bifo yestedei. Category: temporal.
nōn vi. burn down (fire).
nōnōn̄ n. kind of small tree; wan kaen smol tri. Ficus adenosperma. Category: plant, tree.
nö cl. relational classifier used to mark possession of items that are worn by the possessor, such as clothes; blong.
nögö n. front; fran.
2 • n. face; fes. nögö gövur fran blong haos. Category: spatial, body part.
nötu1 Variant: sönötu. adj. small; smol.
nötu2 n. her/his/its child; pikinini blong hem.1s: nötuk. 3s: nōtōn. ‘child’. Category: kinterm.
nötu gövur n. toilet; smol haos.
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nutu n. small.
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