Date Range | no dates |
Quantity | 0.1 cm, 5 items |
Provenance | Capell, Arthur |
Description | This series contains material from Sudirman Mountains, source of Balim, Yamo and Toli Rivers, concentrating on the Dani, Wolani and Western Dani and Dani- Mbogondini dialects. It includes translations of biblical texts, lexical notes and comparative vocabulary, phrase and sentence lists. Copyright: Paradisec believes that many of the items provided through this guide are no longer the subject of copyright restrictions, or have been cleared for display in this service by the Copyright owners. However, Paradisec invites any individuals who believe they hold current rights over items provided through this service to make contact. For more information, see About the records. |
Related Series |
Part of | 05 Melanesia and Oceania - Regions and Languages |
Inventory Listing
Dani texts
Sudirman Mountains, source of Balim, Yamo and Toli Rivers, Central Irian Jaya
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2 page typed and written manuscript. Notes in Dani. Two biblical texts in translation- "88. I Jesus Vinewe Nan" and "89. I Jesus Vava Masar ra Tingoro anana'. The texts are not clearly identified as Dani language/dialect. This may have come from Myron Bromley who was working among the Dani in 1954.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-IJWDAN101
Quantity 0.02 cm,
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier IJWDAN101
Dani lexical notes
Sudirman Mountains, source of Balim, Yamo and Toli Rivers, Central Irian Jaya
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1 page typed manuscript. Dani. Lexical notes in Capell's hand. On reverse of an invitation to attend a YMCA celebration in 1944.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-IJWDAN102
Quantity 0.02 cm,
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier IJWDAN102
Dani biblical texts
Sudirman Mountains, source of Balim, Yamo and Toli Rivers, Central Irian Jaya
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2 page typed manuscript. Western Dani- Mbogondini dialect of West Irian. Matthew Ch. 16, vs 13-18. With interlinear English (literal) gloss. This may have come from Myron Bromley who was working among the Dani in 1954.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-IJWDAN103
Quantity 0.02 cm,
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier IJWDAN103
Wolani and Western Dani sentences and phrases
Sudirman Mountains, source of Balim, Yamo and Toli Rivers, Central Irian Jaya
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2 page typed amd written manuscript. English - Wolani (Laani) - Dani. Sentences and phrases. This may have come from Myron Bromley who was working among the Dani in 1954.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-IJWDAN104
Quantity 0.02 cm,
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier IJWDAN104
Bokondini vocabulary
Sudirman Mountains, source of Balim, Yamo and Toli Rivers, Central Irian Jaya
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2 page typed and written manuscript. Western Dani, Bogondini. English - Bokondini. 63 word vocabulary and 20 sentences This may have come from Myron Bromley who was working among the Dani in 1954.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-IJWDAN105
Quantity 0.02 cm,
Formats Loose Notes
Inventory Identifier IJWDAN105