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Linguistics Software and Dictionary Links

These pages were correct at the end of 2009 but are no longer maintained

Note that links on this page appear in no particular order. Use your browser's 'Find on page' function to find keywords of interest within this set.

Transcribe! - Shareware music transcription program The Transcribe! application is an assistant for people who sometimes want to work out a piece of music from a recording, in order to write it out, or play it themselves, or both.
Transana - Audio and Video Transcription Tool This web site is designed to distribute and support Transana, a freely available tool designed to facilitate the transcription and qualitative analysis of video data in a research setting.
Linguistic Annotations This page describes tools and formats for creating and managing linguistic annotations. `Linguistic annotation' covers any descriptive or analytic notations applied to raw language data. The basic data may be in the form of time functions -- audio, video and/or physiological recordings -- or it may be textual. The added notations may include transcriptions of all sorts (from phonetic features to discourse structures), part-of-speech and sense tagging, syntactic analysis, "named entity" identification, co-reference annotation, and so on.
Transcriber Transcriber is a tool for assisting the manual annotation of speech signals. It provides a user-friendly graphical user interface for segmenting long duration speech recordings, transcribing them, and labeling speech turns, topic changes and acoustic conditions.
Transcriber Download Page Download page for transcriber with File List
Elan A tool for transcribing and time-aligning text and media (both audio and video)
Arts and Humanities Data Service, University of Glasgow AHDS Performing Arts collects, documents, preserves and promotes the use of digital resources to support research and teaching across the broad field of the performing arts: music, film, broadcast arts, theatre, dance.
The Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive, ASEDA The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS) holds computer-based (digital) materials about Australian Indigenous languages in the Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive (ASEDA). ASEDA has materials including dictionaries, grammars, teaching materials, and represents about 300 languages. ASEDA offers a free service of secure storage, maintenance, and distribution of electronic texts relating to these languages.
E-MELD: Electronic Metastructure for Endangered Languages Data If linguistic archives are to offer the widest possible access to data and provide it in a maximally useful form, consensus must be reached about certain aspects of archive infrastructure. The primary goal of E-MELD is to promote this consensus.
Teaching Indigenous Languages This web site is an outgrowth of a series of annual conferences started in 1994 at Northern Arizona University focusing on the linguistic, educational, social, and political issues related to the survival of the endangered Indigenous languages of the world.
MATE: Multilevel Annotation Tools Engineering MATE aimed (the project was discontinued in 1999) to develop a preliminary form of standard and a workbench for the annotation of spoken dialogue corpora.
2000 East Nusantara Linguistics Workshop 21-23 July 2000, The 2000 East Nusantara Linguistics Workshop was organised with the aim of bringing together linguists who work in the eastern Nusantara region so that they can share the results of their research with each other and make a start on a typology of languages from the area. The major geographic focus of the workshop was in the area where Central Malayo-Polynesian and South Halmahera - West New Guinea Austronesian languages are spoken, but people who work on non-Austronesian languages from the region, or on languages that have some other connection with those in the region were also invited to participate.
Kirrkirr: Software for the Exploration of Indigenous Language Dictionaries Kirrkirr is a research project exploring the use of computer software for automatic transformation of lexical databases ("dictionaries"), aiming at providing innovative information visualization, particularly targeted at indigenous languages. As a first example, it can generate networks of words, such as in the little picture above, automatically from dictionary data.
David Nash's Linguistics links (ANU) Links to sites on Australian languages
MARC Code List for Languages This document contains a list of languages and their associated three-character alphabetic codes. The purpose of this list is to allow the designation of the language or languages in MARC records. The list contains 434 discrete codes, of which 54 are used for groups of languages.
Cultural Survival: Promoting the rights, voices and visions of indigenous peoples All over the world, governments are seeking to extract resources from areas that have not hitherto been developed and, in the process, are mistreating their indigenous inhabitants. What should be done about this? What could be done about this? Cultural Survival was founded to try to answer these questions and to work for the solutions developed by the nascent indigenous and pro-indigenous movements.
DELAMAN Digital Endangered Languages and Musics Archive Network A number of initiatives have been established recently with the goal of documenting and archiving endangered languages and cultures worldwide. DELAMAN has been set up to form an international network of archives that will stimulate intensive interaction about practical matters that result from the experiences of fieldworkers and archivists, and to act as an information clearinghouse. DELAMAN is intended as an open organisation where any initiative actively contributing to documentation and archiving of endangered languages and musics can participate. We welcome collaboration with other initiatives as appropriate.
The DICT Development Group - Dictionary Resources The Dictionary Server Protocol (DICT) is a TCP transaction based query/response protocol that allows a client to access dictionary definitions from a set of natural language dictionary databases.
SOAS - The Endangered Languages Documentation Programme Racing the clock to save 3000 endangered languages. Today, the sum total of human language and culture is represented by just 6,000 languages. And half of those are under threat of imminent extinction.
The LINGUIST List The LINGUIST List is dedicated to providing information on language and language analysis, and to providing the discipline of linguistics with the infrastructure necessary to function in the digital world. LINGUIST maintains a web-site with over 2000 pages and runs a mailing list with over 18,300 subscribers worldwide. LINGUIST also hosts searchable archives of over 100 other linguistic mailing lists and runs research projects which develop tools for the field, e.g., a peer-reviewed database of language and language-family information, and recommendations of best practice for digitizing endangered languages data. (SIL International) A list of all the world's languages. Assigns a three-letter code which is the current standard form of reference for OLAC and other language metadata.
First Peoples' Cultural Foundation - language archives FirstVoices is a group of web-based tools and services designed to support Aboriginal people engaged in language archiving, language teaching & culture revitalization.
Publication of Early Papua New Guinea Recordings, Don Niles We have devoted much energy to researching the whereabouts of early PNG recordings, located in archives throughout the world, and arranging their repatriation.
Language Museum - samples of 2000 world languages Brief texts as examples of 2000 languages.
The Endangered Language Fund ELF was founded ten years ago with the goal of supporting endangered language preservation and documentation projects. Our main mechanism for supporting work on endangered languages has been funding grants to individuals, tribes, and museums.
The Computer Assisted Language Worker This is a guide to resources available for linguists interested in using computers to assist their work. We give information on how to use the software, and provide links to other sites of a similar kind. The aim of these pages is not to deal with large scale corpus issues (which are already dealt with at other sites), but to help in small scale projects, typically a single researcher working on a previously undescribed language.
DOBES - Documentation of Endangered Languages With every language which becomes extinct priceless intellectual values will be lost forever. The project DOBES will contribute to the conservation of this cultural heritage. The MPI for Psycholinguistics in Nijmegen (NL) will house the data archive which will cover sound material, video recordings, photos, and various textual annotations.
The Cultural Conservancy: Indigenous Languages Restoration The Storyscape Indigenous Languages Restoration Project is engaged in the repatriation of 67 aging reel-to-reel language, story, and song recordings representing 22 Native American languages.
Foundation for Endangered Languages The Foundation for Endangered Languages exists to support, enable and assist the documentation, protection and promotion of endangered languages.
The Open Road, Languages support The purpose of the web site is to provide a repository of information and resources for our community languages that are not directly supported by operating system vendors or major software developers.
Burke: The Design of Online Lexicons "This work is an introduction to topics in the design of online lexicons. While online lexicons have been a technical possibility since the days of the first wide-area computer networks in the 1970s (Cerf and Kahn 1974) and have existed in some form since at least the early 1980s (Unknown ?1983; Curry 1990, 1996; Mayer 1996), it is only with the popularization of the World-Wide Web in the mid-1990s that significant work in producing online lexicons has begun. This work, first and foremost, is an attempt to apply and extend aspects of lexicographic theory in the light of the possibilities and demands of online media, so that the theories of the past can be put to use in producing better online lexicons. Secondarily, I hope to point out the advantages for lexicography which online media have over print media. "
Linguistic Diversity: Terralingua Terralingua supports the integrated protection, maintenance and restoration of the world's biological, cultural, and linguistic diversity - known as biocultural diversity - by creating innovative tools to analyze the links between these diversities and demonstrate their global significance
Languages: conflict or coexistence?, UNESCO From time immemorial, languages have come to birth, lived and died with the societies that engendered them. Today, however, they are dying out at unprecedented speed. As a result of what have been called language wars, the great majority of the 6,000 languages spoken in the world today may disappear in the foreseeable future. Linguistic diversity is imperilled, and with it a part of the human heritage, for language is the cornerstone of cultural diversity, which is in its turn a mainstay in the preservation of biodiversity.
Pacific Languages Unit, USP, Vanuatu "The PLU's mission statement is:to raise the awareness of Pacific Islanders about problems and issues relating to their own languages and other languages spoken in their country; to provide Pacific Islanders with the skills necessary to ensure the survival and development of their languages;to teach university credit courses in and about Pacific languages; and to conduct research into Pacific languages and the language situation in the region."
Wired News, Word Up: Keeping Languages Alive Fifty to ninety percent of the world's languages are predicted to disappear in the next century, according to the The Rosetta Project, a collaborative, open-source endeavor by language specialists and native speakers around the world who are creating a "near permanent" archive of the world's languages.
Kura: Linguistics Database Application Kura is an application intended to facilitate descriptive and analytic linguistic work in the tradition described by Dixon as 'Basic Theory'. It will be a multi-user, multi-language application with facilities for linking data between languages. Since linguistic data can be available in the form of sound files, manuscript scans and textual data, Kura will be a true multi-media application. Kura will be an extensible application, based on open standards, like SQL, XML and Unicode.

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