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Filenaming Conventions
The Pacific And Regional Archive for Digital Sources
in Endangered
Cultures (PARADISEC) Namespace Specific String (NSS) conforms to
URN Syntax specification [1] and takes the form:
The PARADISEC NSS adheres to the following ABNF [3] definition:
NSS = Collection / Item / File
Collection = DIGIT / ALPHA / reserved
Item = DIGIT / ALPHA / reserved
File = DIGIT / ALPHA / reserved
reserved = "/" / "." / "-" / ":"
Identifier uniqueness considerations:
The PARADISEC curators assign unique identifiers to all resources
which are added to the archive.
Identifier persistence considerations:
PARADISEC identifiers are never reassigned and location independent
to facilitate persistence.
Process of identifier assignment:
Identifiers are assigned by PARADISEC curators upon submission of
materials into the PARADISEC archive by researchers.
Process for identifier resolution:
Resolution of PARADISEC URNs will be achieved through an extension
of the DDDS [2] approach. This extension allows for per-resource
resolution of URNs using the DNS.
Rules for Lexical Equivalence:
PARADISEC URNs are case sensitive.
Conformance with URN Syntax:
The PARADISEC syntax extends the invalid character set in [1]
further prohibiting use of the following: "!", "@", "#", "$",
"%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "+", "=", "[", "]", "{", "}",
"|", "\", ";", "'", """, "<", ">" and "?"
[1] Moats, R., "URN Syntax", RFC 2141, May 1997.
[2] Mealling, M, "Dynamic Delegation Discovery System
(DDDS)", RFC 3401, October 2002
[3] Crocker, D. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
Specifications: ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997.