Series VEMAE - Vanuatu - Emae Island
Emae, Sesake

Date Range1866, mostly no date
Quantity0.49 cm, 9 items
ProvenanceCapell, Arthur

This series contains material from Emae Island, concentrating on the Emae and Sesake languages. It includes comparative vocabulary lists (English-Emae), comparative sentences and texts in Emae translated line-by-line into English, biblical extracts in local languages, and a handwritten paper on Sesake vocabulary.

The Republic of Vanuatu is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. The archipelago is located some 1,750 km east of Australia, 500 km north-east of New Caledonia, west of Fiji and south of the Solomon Islands. It was named New Hebrides during its colonial period.

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08  Vanuatu - Regions and Languages

Inventory Listing

AC2-VEMAE11 English-Emae word list.
Emae, Sesake, Vanuatu - Emae Island.
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Manuscript. Capell's hand.

Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VEMAE11
Date range no date    Quantity 0.06 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VEMAE11 Series VEMAE
AC2-VEMAE12 Vocabulary, Emae (Polynesian section).
Emae, Sesake, Vanuatu - Emae Island.
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Typescript/manuscript. "Hack work done by Ti Makata, Chief of Makata Village, Emae and finally worked over by the two of us," (initialled JGM).

Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VEMAE12
Date range no date    Quantity 0.03 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VEMAE12 Series VEMAE
AC2-VEMAE13 Emae (Polynesian section). Revised Melanesian word list.
Emae, Sesake, Vanuatu - Emae Island.
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Typescript with annotations by Capell.

Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VEMAE13
Date range no date    Quantity 0.02 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VEMAE13 Series VEMAE
AC2-VEMAE14 Emae sentences.
Emae, Sesake, Vanuatu - Emae Island.
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Typescript, with annotations by Capell.

Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VEMAE14
Date range no date    Quantity 0.02 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VEMAE14 Series VEMAE
AC2-VEMAE15 Netaiyi Ugi Ruth. Biblical text in unattributed language.
Emae, Sesake, Vanuatu - Emae Island.
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Typescript. In file of Emae papers.

Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VEMAE15
Date range no date    Quantity 0.04 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VEMAE15 Series VEMAE
AC2-VEMAE16 Netaiyi Uge Esra. Biblical text in unattributed language.
Emae, Sesake, Vanuatu - Emae Island.
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Manuscript. Found in file of Emae papers. Written in Capell's hand.

Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VEMAE16
Date range no date    Quantity 0.08 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VEMAE16 Series VEMAE
AC2-VEMAE17 Three Biblical texts - Netaiyi Uge Yonas; Netaiyi Emi Profet Malaki; Narofs Eni Solomon.
Emae, Sesake, Vanuatu - Emae Island.
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Typescript. Unattributed language(s). Found in Emae file.

Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VEMAE17
Date range no date    Quantity 0.02 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VEMAE17 Series VEMAE
AC2-VEMAE21 Stories in unspecified language(s) (found in file of Emae papers). 1. Boy & Coconuts (BC) 2. The Prodigal Son 3. Translation of Tusikerua.
Emae, Sesake, Emae Island, Vanuatu.
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Typescript, some annotations by Capell. Note that a Nguna-Mae word list is incorporated at pp 4-5, (Mae-Mau, an Epi dialect).

Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VEMAE21
Date range no date    Quantity 0.05 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VEMAE21 Series VEMAE
AC2-VEMAE22 No 1. Vocabulary of Melanesian languages (Sesake), New Hebrides Islands.
Emae, Sesake, Emae Island, Vanuatu.
Image >>

Manuscript (photocopy). Author not identified.

Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VEMAE22
Date range 1866    Quantity 0.17 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VEMAE22 Series VEMAE

Published by the Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures,
Listed by Peter Newton, Austehc and PARADISEC
HTML edition Nicholas Thieberger
Updated 2 April 2014

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