Registration: Digital Humanities Australasia 2012: Building, Mapping, Connecting

PARADISEC has organised a panel at this conference on ‘Fieldwork in the digital humanities’

DIGITAL HUMANITIES AUSTRALASIA 2012: Building, Mapping, Connecting

Venue: Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra ACT and Sir Roland Wilson Building #120, Australian National University.

The inaugural conference of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 28-30 March 2012.

The conference will feature papers, panels, posters and associated workshops, including presentations on digital humanities in Australia, New Zealand and internationally showcasing new research and developments in the field and/or responding to the conference theme of ‘Building, Mapping, Connecting’. Draft program at

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International Mother Language Day 21 February 2012

Large or small, Indo-European or Inuit, endangered or killer, let’s celebrate our mother tongues on UNESCO‘s International Mother Language Day! We don’t all die for language rights, like the Bangla-speaking students of the University of Dhaka who were killed on 21 February 1952, protesting the then Government of Pakistan’s decision to promote Urdu as the … Read more

The Bhasha Vasudha: Global Languages Meet. A report by RNLD’s Margaret Florey

The Bhasha Vasudha: Global Languages Meet was held over several venues in Gujarat, India from 7-8 January 2012. The Meet was the creation of language activist Dr Ganesh Devy of the Bhasha Research and Publication Centre, who in 2011 was awarded the International Linguapax Award in recognition of “a lifetime dedicated to the promotion, dignification and preservation of a multitude of languages in India”.

The Meet commenced at the Sir Sayajirao Auditorium in Vadodara with the release of the People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI).

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LDD 10 now out

Volume 10 of Language Documentation and Description is now available for purchase from the SOAS online store. Until 31 January 2012 copies may be ordered for £10 (including postage and packaging), which is 25% off the regular retail price. Volume 10 is edited by Jan-Olof Svantesson, Niclas Burenhult, Arthur Holmer, Anastasia Karlsson and Håkan Lundström, … Read more

Languages in the News (from RNLD’s Felicity Houwen)

After the recent LIP discussion about languages in the popular media we decided to take a look at the way indigenous and endangered languages are represented in the press. Looking through the articles listed on the Languages in the News page on RNLD’s website ( we focused on how Indigenous languages are represented, and what kind of themes, languages, and locations gain media attention. This will be useful in planning how we can better use the media in the future. Here is an overview of the Languages in the News 2011.

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Langfest 2011 – inspiration and exh(ilar)alation

Canberra is breath-taking at the moment, and I am just catching breath between marking and Langfest … it starts today with the French Studies conference. Tomorrow=Monday, dictionary-making, with AUSTRALEX, and a keynote by Sarah Ogilvie, the soon-to-be-director of the Australian National Dictionary Centre. Wednesday brings New Zealand and Australia together with the combined mega-conference of … Read more

Massive expansion of Indigenous Australian languages on the web

The Australian Society for Indigenous Linguistics (AuSIL) has done a wonderful thing. They’ve put on the web: dictionaries of Australian languages that SIL staff worked on with speakers [currently: Burrara, Iwaidja, Warlpiri, Tiwi, Wik Mungkan, Walmajarri, Martu Wangka, Yinjibarndi, Kriol] bibles that SIL teams have translated, linking to the Bible site [so far Burrara, Djambarrpuyngu, … Read more

Some rare grammars

If you go to Lincom’s web-page, you’ll see they’ve just issued some PhD thesis grammars of (mostly) Australian languages as books. Published in facsimile, I gather (no editing) and for around 70 to 80 euros in your Warenkorb. Lincom does a service in getting the stuff out. But it could be so much better… Lodge … Read more

Visuals of now

In the early days of this blog, Jenny Green did a really nice post Sand talk – and how to record it which was one of our first posts with – gasp – photos. It showed how she recorded sand stories using 2 cameras and a ladder. Now you can follow the new Central Australian … Read more