They’re out to get you (or your data at least)

A couple of years ago I wrote a blog post about Professor Phillip M Parker PhD, a Professor of Marketing in France who had established a website called Webster’s Online Dictionary that contained materials on endangered languages taken from copyrighted sources.1 Parker also published a set of books based on materials taken from copyrighted websites, … Read more

Endangered Languages tweets

As I pointed out here and here, speakers of minority and endangered languages are using Web 2.0 social networking applications like Facebook as a means of interacting and communicating. Well , according to wakablogger, it seems Twitter, the short message site, is also being used by these communities as well. The problem is: how to … Read more

Endangered Languages Week 2011

As in previous years (see here, here and here), we will be running a week of activities concerning endangered languages at SOAS this year. Endangered Languages Week 2011 (ELW2011) runs from 9th to 14th May, and includes a host of events: Meet an Endangered Language, each day throughout the week – a series of short … Read more

LDD 9 available for pre-publication order

The ninth volume of Language Documentation and Description is now in production and can be pre-ordered for 20% off the regular price. LDD 9 is a collection of papers dealing with several topics in language documentation: language documentation and sustainability ontologies in language documentation negation, deixis and loan words in endangered languages book reviews The … Read more

FEL books available for online purchase

As a result of on-going collaboration between the Foundation for Endangered Languages and the Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project, all thirteen FEL books (proceedings of their unique annual conferences) can now be purchased securely by credit card through the SOAS online bookstore at (Scroll down past the LDD volumes for the FEL books.) To … Read more

CUP Handbook of Endangered Languages

The Cambridge Handbook of Endangered Languages edited by Julia Sallabank and myself will be available in the UK next week (and in Australia in June). The book is being launched by Mari Jones at the conference on Language Endangerment: Documentation, Pedagogy, and Revitalization at Cambridge on 25th March. The Handbook covers issues in linguistic diversity … Read more

Between Adelaide and Altenburg

On the ‘5th Sunday after Epiphany 1838’1 two Lutheran missionaries from the Dresden Missionary Society, Christian (Gottlieb|Gottlob)[see comments below] Teichelmann and Clamor WIlhelm Schürmann, were ordained in Altenburg, the capital of the small central German duchy of Sachsen-Altenburg. They were being sent to establish a mission to the Aborigines of South Australia, but the spreading … Read more

Workshop on applied language documentation

The Endangered Languages Academic Programme (ELAP) at SOAS is organising a workshop on Applied Language Documentation in sub-Saharan Africa on Saturday 14th May 2011. The workshop will discuss how the central themes of language documentation relate to improving site-specific applied language documentation, including: how corpus design might help/hinder local dissemination of language documentation outcomes; how … Read more