Every hill got a story: we grew up in country was launched this afternoon at Alice Springs Telegraph Station. A companion multimedia site is hosted by SBS Books. The substantial volume is sold by SBS Books and is also available on Kindle.
The volume by ‘men and women of central Australia and the Central Land Council’ is compiled and edited by Marg Bowman, carrying on from the late Jane Hodson, long term anchor of the CLC media section.

It comprises stories from 127 Aboriginal people of the CLC region (southern half of the Northern Territory), each of whom has a portrait and bio, filling the last twenty pages.
There’s a rich selection of striking photographs from a wide range of archives. Most of the stories were told in the speaker’s own language and are published here in good English translation; the credits of the numerous interviewers, transcribers and translators span three pages (x–xii), followed by a three page introduction to ‘Aboriginal languages and kinship’ by Jenny Green. Around half of the 127 story tellers attended the launch and the CLC Chair Francis Kelly Jupurrula presented each with not only a copy of the book but also a USB memory stick containing the audio file of their original interview.

Also https://www.facebook.com/CentralLC/timeline/story?ut=43&wstart=0&wend=1443682799 and https://www.facebook.com/CentralLC/photos/a.498495536860983.109450.160347484009125/973073982736467/?type=1&theater