Have you ever wanted to create a list of possible words in a language you are working on? Have you started creating a dictionary but now need to find words that are not yet recorded? This could be the app for you. Word Generator is a free web service that lets you upload a list of words that you know, together with a list of consonants and vowels, like this:
Consonants: b, rd, d, k, g, j, rl, l, lh, ly, m, n, nh, ng, ny, rn, yh, r, rr, n, ng, y, th, w
Vowels: a, aa, i, ii, u, uualardi
[ … ]
Word Generator will generate a list of possible words based on this information. It has a number of settings you can alter to adjust the degree of probability, the number and the length of words you want to produce. You can then ask speakers to look through the list to help them think of words that are not already in the dictionary, and it could provoke useful discussion about other forms and meanings.
Please try Word Generator and post any feedback here or by email to me.
Word Generator is being written by Andreas Scherbakov as part of a project funded by ARC Future Fellowship FT140100214
A new version of Word Generator was uploaded yesterday (14/12/15). It adds a vowel confidence level calculation and also some explanatory material for the algorithms it uses.