Principles for data management

PARADISEC has developed practices for curating materials that can be summarised using two acronyms, FAIR and TRUST, more recently developed  by the international research community. See Barwick and Thieberger (2018) on how FAIR principles apply to PARADISEC’s work.

FAIR means that :

Data should be Findable
Data should be Accessible
Data should be Interoperable
Data should be Re-usable.

The TRUST principles are:

Transparency To be transparent about specific repository services and data holdings that are verifiable by publicly accessible evidence.
Responsibility To be responsible for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of data holdings and for the reliability and persistence of its service.
User Focus To ensure that the data management norms and expectations of target user communities are met.
Sustainability To sustain services and preserve data holdings for the long-term.
Technology To provide infrastructure and capabilities to support secure, persistent, and reliable services.


Linda Barwick & Nick Thieberger. 2018. Unlocking the archives. Pp. 135-139 in Vera Ferreira & Nick Ostler (eds) Communities in Control: Learning tools and strategies for multilingual endangered language communities. Proceedings of the 2017 XXI FEL conference. Available here.