N - n

na1   pron. they (3PL subject pronoun).

na2   art. the. Usage: Used only with a definite object.

Na Hambai Siho   prop.n. Blue lake, a place on the north of Malo.

Na Tasi Masanga   prop.n. Malo Pass.

naho masanga   n. a kind of surgeon fish.

nahokaoua   n. kind of traditional fighting stick (manja) used to swipe crossways.

nahonjivo   vi. head down.

naho-   n. face. Mo soari sohen nahona mo sati. He saw as how his face was no good.

naki-   n. upper leg to hip.

nanaho   n. north direction, northwards. O hilo nanajo, mai tahuna, mai ambae, mai maringo. Look northwards, south, east, and west. Usage: Old word

nananovi   n. yesterday. Nananovi kamam mai Vomoli ka jivo Vila Yesterday Vomoli and I went (down) to Vila.

nandi   vt. hit something with a stone.

nanjingo   loc.n. coastal area around north-east part of Malo.

nanjoho-   n. family. nanjohoku; nanjohona my family; his/her family.

natalanovi   n. some time ago, a while ago.

natavalu   loc.n. mid-coastal area on east side of Malo.

natunatu   vi. adopt a child. Mo natunatu hinia. He adopted him.

natunatua   n. adoption.

natunatu-   n. adopted son. Nia natunatuni Jon. He is John's adopted son. See: vonatunatu.

natu-   n. child, son. Nanatuku atolu. I have three children. See: vonatu-.

na-   gramm.part. plural marker on kin terms. Nanatuku atolu. I have three children.

nenevi   vt. sharpen something.

neti   n. kind of strong yam, white.

nevusi   n. sticks for the fire, partly burnt.

ngaignai   n. Galip nut, canarium almond nut (edible). Canarium species.

ngalai ruana aiono   num. sixteen (16).

ngalai ruana alima   num. fifteen (15).

ngalai ruana ambitu   num. seventeen (17).

ngalai ruana arua   num. twelve (12).

ngalai ruana asua   num. nineteen (19).

ngalai ruana atea   num. eleven (11).

ngalai ruana atolu   num. thirteen (13).

ngalai ruana avati   num. fourteen (14).

ngalai ruana awalu   num. eighteen (18).

ngalai sangavulu   num. hundred (100). Variant: ngalsangavul.

ngalai sua   num. ninety (90).

ngalaibitu   num. seventy (70).

ngalailima   num. fifty (50).

ngalaiono   num. sixty (60).

ngalairua   num. twenty (20).

ngalaitolu   num. thirty (30).

ngalaivati   num. forty (40).

ngalaiwalu   num. eighty (80).

ngalavehi   vt. carry something under one''s arm.

ngandi   n. black ant, about 1 cm. long, lives in the ground; its bite causes a painful swelling. See: latulatu.

ngandingandira   n. thorns, thistles. Nganingandira nambo sula aie. Thorny weeds will grow there.

ngandira   vi. rough, or prickly to touch, such as branches of mandarin tree, skin of pineapple.

ngando   n. coconut leaf container with handles, used for carrying fruit and vegetables, such as yams, mandarins, to market. These containers are not made to last a long time, and are used only once or twice.

ngandua   n. wind from west (general term), usually brings constant sunshine.

ngandua muera   n. wind from west, stronger than ngandua vavine, often brings rough seas.

ngandua vavine   n. wind from west, light, brings sun and calm seas.

ngara   vi. cry, the sound children make when angry or hurt. Uranji vorivori mo leleo le ngara. The baby woke up crying. lf SynD=raioi. See: doa; ulo; .

ngarae   n. cry. Nora ngarae mo sahe. Their cry rose up.

ngarahi   vt. scold someone, reprimand someone. Ku ngarahia matan nona rerehia. I scolded her because of her disobedience.

ngarangara   vi. make a clucking sound as of fowls.

ngarasi   vt. complain about something.

ngarungarui niu   n. soft flesh of coconut, an early stage of coconut growth.

ngarungaruta   vi. crunch, make a crunching noise.

ngiri   vi. whinge, whimper.

ngiringiri   vi. hum, buzz such as that of cicadas.

ngora   vi. snore.

nguri   vt. bite someone or something. Usage: Used only about animals, such as a dog or pig.

ngurunguru   vi. grunt like a pig.

ngurunguru-   n. place on one's face between upper lip and nose, not a moustache. See: singoro-.

ngutu   vi. a kind of small groaning sound made when someone is sick or just waking up in the morning.

ngutungutu   vi. hum, make a humming sound with lips together to make a tune.

nguturahi   vt. disturb someone, or affect them greatly; shake someone to the core. Nona matea mo nguturahi na vevesai tamalohi Malo. His death greatly affected the people from Malo. See: turahi.

nia   pron. he, she, it (3SG independent pronoun).

niae1   dem. that, those, referring to something or someone close to listener, not to speaker.

niae2   adv. over there, referring to something or someone close to listener, not to speaker.

niala1   dem. that, those, referring to something or someone distant from speaker and listener.

niala2   adv. there, referring to something or someone distant from speaker and listener.

niani1   dem. this, these referring to something or someone close to speaker.

niani2   adv. here, referring to something or someone close to speaker.

niaro   dem. particular one. Niaro! That's it!/ That's the one!

niho   pron. you (2SG independent pronoun).

nini   vi. swell up, like a boil.

nira   pron. they (3PL independent pronoun).

niro   vt. inspect or examine something. Mo niro na dae rindi. He examined the blood.

niu   n. ripe coconut, at the stage when the shell is strong and the fruit falls off the tree.

no   pron. 1 • you both, you all (2PL subject pronoun).

2 • you, as a respect term between brother and sister, to uncle, etc, although addressee is singular.

noha1   vt. has, have. Australia mo noha moli. Australia has oranges. O noha toa havisa? How many chickens have you got?

noha2   vi. be cooking, be cooked, be ready. Ku burongi na wewe mole noha. I smell laplap cooking.

novohi   vt. cover something, especially food, with a leaf or cloth.

novu   n. stonefish, general term, grows up to 20 cm, changes colour and has poisonous fins.

novu rovirovi   n. 'lion fish', a kind of stonefish. Variant: novu rovrov.

no-   gramm.part. my (possessive classifier). Nian noku simba. This is my knife. Usage: Used to refer to personal property, inanimate.

nuenue   n. rainbow.

nuhu   n. harbour, small bay.

numba   vt. cover up something, usually food, with a leaf or calico. Ku numba na wewe. I covered up the laplap. See: numbua.

nunu   n. picture/s, photo/s, reflection. Mole lai nunu. He's taking photos. Ka mandi soari nunura. We just saw their pictures.

nura   vi. leak, as when liquid soaks through something.

-na   pron. his, her, its (3SG possessive pronoun). Tamana le ate? Is his/her father there?

?natulalavo   v. cherish, care for someone.

-nda   pron. 1 • our (1PL inclusive possessive pronoun). asanda our place (including you).

2 • us, including you (1PL inclusive object pronoun). Mo soarinda aie. He saw us there.