T - t

taboo, make saha vahoro
tail windi
take down s.t. tambe
take out from oven hinji
take s.t. lai
talk reti
· sora
talk a lot wasa
talk about s.t. sorahi
tall bambaravu
· baravu
tame maomao
tap coconut diringi vusa
taro bueta
taro or manioc, cooked and mashed huri
taro sp. bueta daeha
· buetai reu
· bueta tamaute
· haromura
· haviha
· masanga
· timba
· vola
· vuso
taste hanilesi
tattoo henja
teach s.t. or s.o. vanjangi
teacher maraivitiviti
· tamalohi vanjavanjangi
teaching vanjavanjangia
tear s.t. darasi
· dare
· talasi
tears tinangisi
· ulombutu
tears in eyes reureuha
teary reureuha
tease s.o. jina
teeth undu-
tell many people vitiviti
tell s.t. viti
ten sangavulu
tender malulum
tendon muani
tenth one sangavuluna
testicles laso-
· tolu
thanks, give anataem
that muende
· niae
· niala
· rindi
the na
· rindi
their -ra
them -ra
then aiso
· moiso
· mosvan
there aie
· niae
· niala
these niani
they na
· nira
thick vonohaha
thigh balua-
thin baranga
· maviruviru
· tavinivini
things hinahinau
think domdom
think seriously domtoho
thirsty mandohi
thirteen ngalai ruana atolu
thirty ngalaitolu
this niani
thistles ngandingandira
thorns ngandingandira
those muende
· niae
· niala
those particular muende
thought/s domdomia
three atolu
throat dondole
throw away komo
throw s.t. baru
· bulahi
· savi
throw stick harambai
thumb tombuetombue
thunder and lightning buatusari
thunder, rumble of buiri
thus ro
tickle one another hilihili
tickle s.o. hili
tickling, be hilihili
tide mati
tide, high ua
tide, low mati
tide, very high uambute
tide, very low matikoru
tie s.t. talihahi
tie up avuti
· jani
· oti
tie up s.t. lasi
· liho
time bongi
time ago, short male
time, distribution bongi havuhavu
time, land clearing bongi hulia
time, yam harvesting bongi helihelia
time, yam planting dulendulea
tip of s.t. unu
tip out s.t. hire
tip over rere
tired, make jomuahi
· rarai
to ana
· telei
today barindi
toes bisumbisu-
together tolu
together with mai
together, be bulu
· vatavuhi
together, bring vatavuhi
toilet vanuai humbuta
tomorrow avuho
tongs, bamboo tavukala
tongue meme-
tool, shredding hari
tooth undu-
top ulu
top of head vusengi batu-
top of hill vusengi
top part vurovuro
top part of s.t., flat bungora
toss s.t. bulahi
toss s.t.across bulahitusi
total number tolu
touch s.t. hisi
trade volivoli
transparent randa
trap tiu
trap fish tara
trap s.t. tiu
travel by boat sale
tre, pandanus vuveveo
tree vuhai
tree sp. vuhaihoha
· vuhanja
· vuhatambola
· vuhaviha
· vuholas
· vuhuruhu
· vukaruimboe
· vumalai
· vumalaus
· vumamaua
· vumbahura
· vumbisu
· vutoto
· vuuli
· vuvae
· vuvinue
· vuvira
· vuvuiahoha
tree, banyan vumbaka
tree, Bean vutoralotu
tree, breadfruit vumbaeho
tree, cacao vukakau
tree, canarium nut vungaingai
tree, casuarina vuiaru
tree, coconut palm vuniu
tree, Coral vurara
tree, Cut nut vuvale
tree, cycas palm vumuele
tree, Finschia vukame
tree, fish-poison vuiambu, wiambu
tree, Gaiac vumariu
tree, glue vumbulu
tree, Golden apple vuresi
tree, grapefruit vumoli merika
tree, Indian almond vutavoa
tree, Indian mulberry vumbuehura
tree, island teak vumalatora
tree, kind of palm vuniuniu
tree, mangrove vundongondongo
tree, Milkwood vutomae
tree, nettle vukalato
tree, New Guinea rosewood vuvilae
tree, orange vumoli
tree, Pacific lychee vunjaria
tree, Pangi vurangi
tree, pawpaw vusowa
tree, Perfume vundingori
tree, puzzle vumatala
tree, Red silkwood vusovuavua (vusorva?)
tree, Sago palm vutalaua
tree, Sea almond vutavoa
tree, Sea trumpet vutambuea
tree, top part of matavuresi
tree, Twin apple vuvarovaro
tree, whitewood vukumari
tree, wild nutmeg vusarsari
tree, wild pandanus vumbora
tree,Tahitian chestnut vumambwe
trevally sp. manjione henja
trick each other laulau
trick many laulau
trick s.o. koretahi
· lau
· tau kore
· vailengalenga hinia
triggerfish sp. jumu
trip tilakaikai
trip up tuturahi
trouble maker tamalohi dondoro
trouble, make waririhi
true retinduhu
trunk vui
truth retinduhua
truthful retinduhu
try lesi
try, not vaihumbahi
tsunami tasi walawalau
turn bosi
turn and retun bailitahi
turn from s.o. turahi
turn into s.t. else vohi
turn ove s.t. kirombosi
turn s.t. lilitahi
turn, in lalihi
turtle avua
tusk of pig, upper jivi
tusk, curved maranda
tusk/s undu-
twelve ngalai ruana arua
twenty ngalairua
twice vaharua
twin/s havo
twinkle taritarimata
twins arouvohivohi
twist s.t. viri
· vuvuri
twisting beremberehahi
two arua
two days hence bongarua
two days past bongnarua