Date Range | July 1975 - November 1975 |
Quantity | 0.38 cm, 2 items |
Provenance | Capell, Arthur |
Description | Copyright: Paradisec believes that many of the items provided through this guide are no longer the subject of copyright restrictions, or have been cleared for display in this service by the Copyright owners. However, Paradisec invites any individuals who believe they hold current rights over items provided through this service to make contact. For more information, see About the records. |
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Part of | 08 Vanuatu - Regions and Languages |
Inventory Listing
Two Mele texts
Mele (PN isolated language, Efate), Vanuatu - Mele Island, S. Efate I.
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Typescript. By Ross Clark, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland, Working Papers in Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics, Maori Studies, No 44, November 1975, pp 1-42. Preprint. Contains texts in the AN language Mele, an English-Mele vocabulary, linguistic and demographic notes and a critique of Capell's 1942 paper "Notes on the Fila Language, New Hebrides", J. Polynesian Soc., 51: 153-180.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VMELE101
Date range November 1975
Quantity 0.23 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VMELE101
Series VMELE
Mele notes.
Mele (PN isolated language, Efate), Vanuatu - Mele Island, S. Efate I.
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Typescript. By Ross Clark, Department of Anthropology, University of Auckland, Working Papers in Anthropology, Archaeology, Linguistics, Maori Studies, No 40, July 1975. Contains a phonology, grammar, a discussion of the history of the language and a Swdesh[?] list of Mele words. Preprint.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VMELE102
Date range July 1975
Quantity 0.15 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VMELE102
Series VMELE