This series contains material from Maewo Island, concentrating on the Central Maewo language. It includes typed lists of Maewo words and sentences (untranslated). Penama is a province of Vanuatu, occupying the islands of Ambae, Maewo, and Pentecost. The name Penama is derived from the initial letters of Pentecost, Ambae (Aoba) and Maewo. It has a population of 28,960 people and an area of 1,198 kmē. Its capital is Longana. For more information: Copyright: Paradisec believes that many of the items provided through this guide are no longer the subject of copyright restrictions, or have been cleared for display in this service by the Copyright owners. However, Paradisec invites any individuals who believe they hold current rights over items provided through this service to make contact. For more information, see About the records. |