Date Range | 1870? - 12 July 1965, first record is late 19th century |
Quantity | 0.88 cm, 12 items |
Provenance | Capell, Arthur |
Description | This series contains ethnological material concerning Vanuatu (New Hebrides at the time most material was created). It contains articles, handwritten notes, hand drawn maps, sketches, and correspondence broaching topics such as social order, traditional ceremonies, ceremonial dress, marriage and general culture. The Republic of Vanuatu is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. The archipelago is located some 1,750 km east of Australia, 500 km north-east of New Caledonia, west of Fiji and south of the Solomon Islands. It was named New Hebrides during its colonial period. For more information: Copyright: Paradisec believes that many of the items provided through this guide are no longer the subject of copyright restrictions, or have been cleared for display in this service by the Copyright owners. However, Paradisec invites any individuals who believe they hold current rights over items provided through this service to make contact. For more information, see About the records. |
Related Series |
Part of | 02 General Linguistic and Ethnological Materials |
Inventory Listing
Offprint. Maze-dances and the ritual of the labyrinth in Malekula, by John Layard.
Vanuatu, ethnography and anthropology studies.
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Typescript. Folk Lore, Vol XLVII, June 1936, pp 123-170. Compliments of author.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN101
Date range June 1936
Quantity 0.25 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN101
Series VETHN
Offprint. John W. Layard. Atchin twenty years ago.
Vanuatu, ethnography and anthropology studies.
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Typescript. The Geographical Journal LXXXVIII(4) 341-351; October 1936. Compliments of the author.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN102
Date range October 1936
Quantity 0.06 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN102
Series VETHN
Notes on Deacon's The Regulation of Marriage in Ambrym.
Vanuatu, ethnography and anthropology studies.
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Manuscript. JRAI LIX: 506 ff. Also based on B.Z. Seligman's Assymetry in Descent. JRAI LVIII: 533. Capell's hand.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN103
Date range probably late 1930s
Quantity 0.07 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN103
Series VETHN
Ethnographic notes attributed to Rev. J.H. Lawrie.
Vanuatu, ethnography and anthropology studies.
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Manuscript. Refers to Aneityum traditions and anthropomorphic details of 'natives'. Badly damaged page.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN104
Date range late 19th century
Quantity 0.01 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN104
Series VETHN
Letter to Capel from Ralph Grant of Croydon Park, NSW.
Vanuatu, ethnography and anthropology studies.
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Typescript. Language use and customs of 'Guga' people, but there is no indication of their location, or if this is a Vanuatu people. Possibly Gaua/Gog, Banks I.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN105
Date range 12 July 1965
Quantity 0.01 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN105
Series VETHN
Hans Dietschy. Verwandschaft und Freundschaft Analytische Bemerkungen zur Sozialstruktur der Melanesier von Sued-west Malekulen
Customs, demographics, some language, Vanuatu - General Ethnography
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Typescript. Suedsee Studien, Basel (Museum für Völkerkunde), pp 358-412. Inscribed by the author.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN201
Date range 1951
Quantity 0.28 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN201
Series VETHN
Set of maps drawn by A. Capell, pinpointing villages and other settlements on Tongoa, Epi, Ambrym, Nguna, Tanna.
Customs, demographics, some language, Vanuatu - General Ethnography
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Manuscript (pencil).
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN202
Date range no date
Quantity 0.03 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN202
Series VETHN
Letter to Capell from K. Keys, ref population figures for Vanuatu.
Customs, demographics, some language, Vanuatu - General Ethnography
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Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN203
Date range no date, possibly mid 1950s
Quantity 0.02 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN203
Series VETHN
New Hebrides Social Organisation.
Customs, demographics, some language, Vanuatu - General Ethnography
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Manuscript. Notes on cultive[?], social structures and kinship for a range of clans. Capell's hand.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN204
Date range no date
Quantity 0.05 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN204
Series VETHN
Kinship in S.W. Malekula
Customs, demographics, some language, Vanuatu - General Ethnography
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Manuscript. (Sensang=Sinesip; Wilemp*; Meoun=Mewuin[?], *seen to be an extinct language). In Capell's hand. Extensive use of short hand.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN205
Date range no date
Quantity 0.08 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN205
Series VETHN
Notes on Malekula culture.
Customs, demographics, some language, Vanuatu - General Ethnography
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Manuscript. Capell.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN206
Date range no date
Quantity 0.01 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN206
Series VETHN
Sketch of ceremonial headdresses.
Customs, demographics, some language, Vanuatu - General Ethnography
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Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-VETHN207
Date range no date
Quantity 0.01 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier VETHN207
Series VETHN