Date Range | 7 June 1960 - 1974 |
Quantity | 0.49 cm, 13 items |
Provenance | Capell, Arthur |
Description | This series contains material from north Malaita Island, concentrating on the Kwara’ae language. It includes biblical extracts in Kwara’ae, correspondence between Philip Harvey and Capell (including several comparative vocabulary lists), typed and annotated comparative vocabulary lists from English to Kwara’ae (some of which have been further annotated and some of which were compiled by Capell), typed grammatical tables of Kwara’ae compiled by Capell, and sentences and extended texts in Kwara’ae. Malaita Province is one of the largest provinces of the Solomon Islands. It is named for its largest island, Malaita. Other islands include South Malaita Island, Sikaiana Island and Ontong Java Island (alternately Lord Howe Island). The provincial capital and largest urban center is Auki, located on Malaita. The estimated population of the province (as of 1997) is 142,000. The area of the province in 4,225km˛. For more information: Copyright: Paradisec believes that many of the items provided through this guide are no longer the subject of copyright restrictions, or have been cleared for display in this service by the Copyright owners. However, Paradisec invites any individuals who believe they hold current rights over items provided through this service to make contact. For more information, see About the records. |
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Part of | 06 Solomon Islands - Regions and Languages |
Inventory Listing
Ae'emae siul ha'akaiislan sa Jesus [Luke 22:47-24:7 in Kwara'ae].
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Typescript. The United Bible Societies. Illustrated. With press release.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR101
Date range 1974
Quantity 0.06 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR101
Letter to Capell from Philip Harvey, Fanambu, Malaita (17 November 1964) with package of papers.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Manuscript/typescript. Package includes the following: a) Letter from E.P.W. Harricott, SPC Literature Production Training Centre, Honiara, regarding interest expressed by Graham Thormpson of Fanambu in collecting Kwara'ae. Typescript, 7/6/1960, 1p. b) 900 useful nouns (a list prepared by SPC). Typescript, no date, 4pp. c) 400 useful verbs (a list prepared for SPC by Capell). Typescript, no date 4pp. d) 250 useful adjectives and 150 useful structural words (lists prepared by SPC) e) Thompson's completed worksheets on basic vocabulary. Additional vocabulary, some cultural items, kinship terms, sentences, verbs. Typescript/manuscript, no date 7pp.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR102
Date range 7 June 1960 - 17 November 1960
Quantity 0.11 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR102
Allen Taki. Completed worksheets (basic vocabulary, additional vocabulary, some cultural items, kinship terms).
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Typescript/manuscript. Sentences and verbs are appended. The reverse side of some sheets contain grammatical notes in Capell's hand.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR103
Date range no date
Quantity 0.07 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR103
Eric Sogotei. Kwara'ae. Incomplete worksheets. Basic vocabulary and part of additional vocabulary only.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR104
Date range no date
Quantity 0.04 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR104
Swadesh 100-item test list (diagnostic items). Kwara'ae.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Typescript/manuscript. Also a list of supplementary items. Collector/informant not identified.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR105
Date range no date
Quantity 0.02 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR105
Kawara'ae test lists.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Typescript. Informant unidentified, but typing is by Capell. English-Kwara'ae sentences.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR106
Date range no date
Quantity 0.03 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR106
Kwara'ae metathesis; a set of vowel and morphophonemic tables prepared by Capell.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR107
Date range no date
Quantity 0.01 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR107
Colin Gavani. Test for Kwara'ae forms.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Typescript/manuscript. A set of English-Kwara'ae sentences and texts.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR108
Date range no date
Quantity 0.04 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR108
English-Kwara'ae sentences, based on the standard worksheet list.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Manuscript. Compiled by Capell (in his hand).
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR109
Date range no date
Quantity 0.02 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR109
English-Kwara'ae sentences (untitled).
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Manuscript. Collected Clevles Teikwata.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR110
Date range 15 November 1961
Quantity 0.02 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR110
Untitled set of English-Kwara'ae sentences.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Manuscript. In Capell's hand. Text in Kreta dialect (Bougainville on p. 6).
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR111
Date range no date
Quantity 0.03 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR111
The Boy and the Coconuts. Kwara'ae.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Typescript/manuscript. Two versions which may indicate dialect variation.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR112
Date range no date
Quantity 0.03 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR112
Untitled text. Does not seem to be The Boy and the Coconuts text.
Kwara'ae, Solomon Islands, North Malaita I.
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Manuscript. Additional notes (in pencil) by Capell.
Creator Capell, Arthur
Control AC2-SIKWAR113
Date range no date
Quantity 0.01 cm, 1 folio
Inventory Identifier IKWAR113