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Access to the collection and catalogue records is available here:

Access to data in the PARADISEC repository is available to those who have signed an access form. A nominal fee may be charged for files delivered on CD/DVD. Completed forms should be posted or faxed to PARADISEC (Sydney).

PARADISEC has been funded by the Universities of Sydney, Melbourne, New England, ANU the Australian Research Council and Grangenet.

View a glossary of acronyms used on this site.

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Acronyms used on this site

AIATSIS - Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
ANU - Australian National University
APAC - Australian Partnership in Advanced Computing
ARC - Australian Research Council
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange
BWF - Broadcast Wave Format
CD - Compact Disc
DAT - Digital Audio Tape
DELAMAN - Digital Endangered Languages and Musics Archive Network
EBU - European Broadcasting Union
EMELD - Electronic Metastructures for Endangered Languages Data
FMPro - Filemaker Pro
FTP - File Transfer Protocol
GB - gigabyte
ISO - International Standards Organisation
ITS - Information Technology Services
LIEF - Linkage Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities
MD - Minidisc (Sony's proprietary digital audio system)
MP3 - MPEG-1 layer 3 (compressed digital audio)
MSS - Mass Storage System
OAI - Open Archives Initiative
OLAC - Open Language Archives Community
PAMBU - Pacific Manuscripts Bureau
PCM - Pulse Code Modulation (=uncompressed audio)
PDF - Portable Document Format
RAM - Random Access Memory
RTF - Rich Text Format
TIFF - Tagged Image File Format
URL - Universal Resource Locator
XML - Extensible Markup Language 

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