L - l

laag   n. fly. Category: insects, grubs etc..

laap   adj. many, more. Category: numeral.

laas   n. cup. Category: human artefact, human artefact.

lag1   vambi. scale, to take the scales off a fish. Category: aquatic creatures.

lag2   vambi. sing.

lagarof   n. mourner.

lagi   adj. fancy, proud.

laglaga   vintr. cast spell.

lagsu   n. wind, east wind (Lit: 'up wind'). See: toklau. Category: natural features.

lai   vambi. spit out.

lainmar   v. breathe out quickly.

lailaipako   n. fish sp. Fiveband flagtail. Category: aquatic creatures.

lak1   n. fence for a pig. See: p̃er. Category: human artefact.

lak2   n. peg used to hold the outrigger (nsem) to the cross-member (nakiat) on a canoe. Category: human artefact.

lak3   n. well, water source, spring. Category: natural features.

lak4   vintr. marry, to be; to be wed.

nlakwen   wedding, marriage. See: taulu; tousok; ptour; ptour.

kano lak   n. bridegroom. Category: human relations.

lakle   n. sores, thick large sores (not boils). Category: body part or product.

lakor   aux. maybe, might be.

laktao   n. vine sp. Category: plants.

lalu   vintr. absent, of an octopus, when you look at the octopus's hole in the rock and it has gone. You can take a stone from the hole back to your house and then the next day when you go back the octopus wil be there.

lao1   vintr. establish, stand up.

lao2   v. 1 • drip.

2 • fall, of water over a waterfall.

lao3   vambi. 1 • plant.

2 • stand, to stand.

3 • spear, as in lao naik 'spear a fish'.

4 • gouge, as in gouging out the inside of a canoe.

5 • land, as in a bird landing on something.

lao4   n. fish sp. Sandperch. Pinguipedidae. Category: aquatic creatures.

laokinasusu   n. fish sp. Nebulous wrasse. First fish to some in with the tide, also identified as Bluntheaded wrasse. Halichoeres nebulosus. See: patru. Category: aquatic creatures.

laokor   Variant: laokro. obstruct.

vambi. obstruct.

laokot   vambi. break.

laolao   n. table, seat.

laop̃or   vambi. break.

laorpek   n. fish sp. fish, small white fish which lives in the mangroves and seaweed. Category: aquatic creatures.

laosok   vambi. pound (e.g. copra, kava), spear fish.

laotu   v. stand up.

laru   num. seven.

kelaru   Variant: klaru. adj. seventh. Category: numeral.

lat   vambi. cut (e.g. using scissors) hair, clothes, paper.

latana   n. lantana, use the leaf on cuts. Category: plants.

lates   num. six.

kelates   Variant: klates. adj. sixth. Category: numeral.

latlat   vintr. froth, as of water boiling, or froth on a stream, or lather with soap. See: nlatlat; nai; latlat.

latol   num. eight.

klatol   adj. eighth. Category: numeral.

lau   vintr. dance. See: nlauwen.

laufal   n. pineapple. Category: plants.

le sulsul   vintr. squint, like when the sun is too bright.

le wi   vintr. covet, desire.

le   vintr. look, see.

lek   vtr. look at, see something. See: lel.

leel   n. bracelet, rolled pandanus leaves. Category: human artefact. See: tarim.

lefek   Variant: lfek. go.around.

vintr. 1 • around, to go around.

2 • spin, as in p̃au kilfek, my head is spinning. See: fiif.

leg   vintr. straight, correct.

lei   vambi ImpO. pick fruit.

lekor   vintr. watch over, beware, care for.

lel1   vambi. look for. See: le.

lel2   n. turtle shell. Category: aquatic creatures.

lelep   n. black stone used for cooking in a ground oven. Category: human artefact.

lelkau   v. avoid something by walking around it. See: lelu.

lelu   vambi. avoid.

lemis   vambi. look at, visit.

lep   adj. big. See: p̃ur.

leperkat   vambi. copy.

1 • copy.

2 • watch over, as in a child, or a cooking pot.

3 • check if someone is there.

4 • look out, beware, be careful.

ler   vintr aux. return, repeat; repay.

lereki   Variant: loraki. look forward.

vintr. 1 • look forward to something.

2 • depend on someone doing something, depend on something happening.

les   n. pawpaw. Carica papaya. Category: plants.

lesap̃sap̃   vintr. don't recognise. See: sap̃.

leskes   n. tree sp. Kind of pawpaw with small seeds, trunk can be smashed and used to poison fish. Category: plants.

lesmp̃aun   n. skull. Category: body part or product.

lesok   adj. important, useful.

let   n. epilepsy.

letae   vambi. realise.

1 • realise, recognise.

2 • identify.

lewi   vintr. admire.

lgaru   vintr. double or cross weave of a mat. See: lgaskei.

lgaskei   single weave of a mat. See: lgaru.

li   Variant: lei. female name marker, old fashioned. This cannot be used as a pronoun. See: kalo.

lia   vintr. together, be in one place.

lig   vambi. pour out.

liglig   vintr. shake (as in one's head), refuse.

likat   n. basket made from coconut leaf and used to carry garden produce. See: nlafkir; napor. Category: plants, human artefact. See: fuelig; nroog; tip̃el; sp̃ol; tasal; polpol; nlafkir; napor; sarpotpot.

liksaal   vintr. hang, as in a bat or flying fox hanging, or a person hanging by their hands.

lilip   Variant: lipep. spirit. Variant: lisepsep.

n. spirit. Category: other supernatural.

lim   num. five. Category: numeral.

kalim   adj. fifth.

limen   v. poke out one's tongue.

limur   n. adze with a curved blade. See: kram p̃el; took.

limuti   n. cleared piece of land. See: em̃au. Category: natural features.

lipep   n. butterfly. Category: insects, grubs etc..

lip̃eslilip   n. Staghorn, plant that lives on branches of a tree. Category: plants.

lisan   n. clam.

1 • shellfish sp. clam, giant clam, Hippopus clam. Hippopus hippopus. See: kram. Category: aquatic creatures.

2 • vagina (slang). Category: body part or product.

lit   n. wasp. Category: insects, grubs etc..

litas   n. Box jellyfish. Chironex fleckeri. Category: aquatic creatures.

litot   n. bêche-de-mer, sea cucumber, this is a general term for all kinds of sea-cucumber. Holothuriidae. See: nap̃lai; pako nap̃lai. Category: aquatic creatures.

liu   vintr. piled, to be heaped up.

liuliu   vintr. rough (of the sea).

lm̃es   n. top stone of a ground oven.

lof1   vambi. rub.

loflof   vintr. rub and rub.

lof2   n. sword, made of wood, used in fighting. Category: human artefact.

lof3   vintr. walk in the bush.

lom1   adj. wet, to be.

lom2   vambi. take a photo.

loot   n. sores on the foot, athlete's foot, tinnea. Category: body part or product.

lop   n. bamboo. Bambusa. Category: plants. See: nam̃lalop.

lor   n. coconut cream, made by squeezing coconut flesh. Category: plants.

lorktal   n. thick coconut cream, made by cooking lor until it thickens. Category: plants.

los   vintr. wash.

1 • bathe, wash oneself.

2 • swim. See: waf.

lot   vintr. pray.

loto   n. car, vehicle. See: raru. Category: human artefact.

ltia   vintr. weave the end a mat.

lu   vintr. vomit. Category: body part or product.

luk   n. well, pool, hole, lagoon.

luksal   n. the cavity in a canoe, the dugout part of the canoe. Category: human artefact.

lukot   n. curtain.

lul1   vintr. poke, insert.

lul2   vintr. roll fibre to make string (coconut, hibiscus etc).

lum̃nria   vambi. turn inside-out.

lup̃   vambi. pour. See: uut; lig; saaprei; pi.

lupir   vambi. unroll e.g. fishing line.

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