I - i

I kineu
· a=
I (1sgIRS) ka=
I (perfect) kai=
· kai=
I / me neu
identify letae
idol natap
ignore sigpir
· sertep̃al
· maltotae
imagine mroperkat
imitate pregwel
important lesok
increase pakelag
· sak
Indian Mulberry nakur
individual sikskei
insect matuktukurik
insect, stick insect srak
inside naal
· nap̃laun
· em̃rom
inside leg naken
inside of the mouth nau
insult pes sa
INT kalo
· pe
interested p̃ko
intestines senae
investigate pesp̃ot
invitation nato
iron p̃atfaat
· ter
ironwood nagi
island naur
island cabbage altuk
Island Teak tree nakmou
Island Walnut tree namir
itch karkar
· mukalkal
itch, be itchy mukalkal